THE MUSTER - [PDF Document] (2024)


  • The MusterI I

    1992-1993I I



    ON THE WAY OUT - Seniors

    I.N OUR PRIME "- Juniors 34

    IN THE MIDDLE - Sophom*ores 48

    IN THE BEGINNING - Freshmen 60

    IN "THE RECORDS" Faculty 72


    Clubs and Organizations 8

    IN OUR BEST" Special Events 94

    ON DISPLAY" Military 104

    ON THE SCOREBOARD" Sports 118

    IN THE END" Index and Ads 130

  • (Far'L,eft) Ms. Gallo\ay is tap- . .. lured during a dass\v:ithstu. denLJenni Starr~ (Immediate .. Left).CJens. Rob Bauer and.CriB Greg Granfperfonn"at

    ;"tention i , in C:heniJstrydass; (Be'lowL C/LLDamon Nunri~

    ' Cj ens, John Elkins and C(LL Eric 'Ford experin1enting in tiJe , iab: (Bottom Righi) Dc

    . Stumpeiuid MLHacker erijoy~ , lilg a fbbtballgame frohl thestands. (Bottom 'Left) AVCM Berryatthe same game with a

    ,: stightiycilffe(ent view,(Micidle . Left) :ciCPO 'Jason,Jefferies ;;'aljdC/ CPOCariosOlds, Intbe: ., cente'i" of all thisactivity is Dr.. Mershon; taking a leisurely stroll 'th rDughCleveland's ,

    " bliStlinghaJls. '


  • ... TOP; I~t'ttO: rtgh~ ~~~i~a ~a(lsey i~ " her 10ckerimdMgsgf.Sutton with lim Alpha platoon on the lield for P.T.

    ~fC:Gre!fpur'dy.. .John Elldns, Da moo 'bcirtch, and JinnaJeAtklris in Jourricilism ' Working on the . News- .

    .. . paper.BottomLeft~Mr. (nenn Owens helping JermaJe' Atk'jnson his year., bdokiayout~ . . .

    .... Asyo~ l.ookthroughttlisb

  • I Pass In Review 1992 I

    Pass in Review is Cleve

    land Junior Naval Academy's biggest event of the year. It allowsthe students, as a unit to show the staff, family and friends their talents. Groups that took special part in this event were 50Flags, Boy's and Girl's Drill teams, Honor Guard, Band, and ColorGuard along with the entire regiment.

    Left: 50 Flag Unit making th eir rounds be

    fore the main event. As usual, a big crowd

    of friends and family fill the grass hill to the

    side of the field.

    Above: '92 Regimental Staff leading off the

    end of the event. Regimental Commander

    Capt. Nguyen and to her right Lt. Nesser , Lt .

    Schulte, Lt. Thompson, Lt. Carey, and to he r

    left, Comm. Brown, Lt . Freeman, Lt. Boyer ,

    Lt. Thompson , and Lt. Cooper.


  • Above Left: Boy's Exhibition Drill Team in the middle of theirperformance with the Alpha

    Company in the BaCkground.

    Above Right : MSGT Roe and band direc tor, Ms. Staton posing inthe ir attire before the


    Below: Girls Exhibition Drill Team proudly marching out afterPass in Review . (L to R)

    LaShonda Brown, Torree Boyd, Kimberly Barber, Khalisha Savage,Lornice Herring,

    LanViem Pham.

  • Graduation

    The class of '92 had a very nice graduation cere

    mony. After they received their diplomas, they gathered in frontof the school for a few last pictures with their friends andfamilies.

    Left: Lamont Singleton and Darris Simmons think about theirfuture. Below Left: Dave Sieber gets a hug from Theresa Clark afterreceiving his diploma. Below: Dyai Freeman, Heather Bess, CaseyWisdom, Cathy Audrain and Kim Barber talking and looking forward tothe future.

  • ,.. ,.1992

    The Senior Luncheon was held at Ryan's Steak House in Crestwood.The seniors had a great meal and talked about all the past schoolyears -- good times and bad. They also, of cou rse, talked aboutthe future and their hopes and dreams.

    Right: Friends gather outside at Cleveland talking and takingpictures for more memories in years to come. Below: Charles Tylerand John Cooper - the best of friends - take a last picture as Mr.Hacker and Capt. Anderson look on. Below Right: Many pictures, manyfriends .. seniors outside Cleveland having a good time before theluncheon.

    Senior Luncheon

  • I Girl's Soccer I

    Left: First Row: LanVien Pham, Jessica Gerrein, Monica Causey,Sandy Shipp, Christine Schone, and Shirelle Byrd. Second Row:Rebecca Coleman, Jennifer Wagner, Heather Horton, Jennifer Sanchez,MiSun Cho. Third Row: Amy Leporin, Alexis Panagioteras. Top Row:Nicole Slayden, Jessica Wills, Jennifer Armer. Bottom Left: Thesoccer team fooling around after a grueling practice. Bottom Right:The girls are supporting their players during the game.

  • I Baseball 1992 I

    The 1992 Varsity baseball team

    was coached by Ron Newell. The Commanders baseball team defeatedCentral Visual and Performing Arts for the PHL tournamentchampionship. The team is led by the powerful arms of Todd Robinsonand Harold Moore. The Commanders ended up with a 5-5 record.

    The B-Team was coached by MSGT Roe. Captain Scott Bohannon gavean inspiring outlook to all the freshman. The team ended having apretty good season with a 5-3 record.

    First Row: Sherrell Sykes, Dan Morehouse, Josh Cook, KatwonHester, Robert Ulianich, and Scott Bohannon. Second Row: KevinBenford, James Sweeney, Bobby Polk, Terence Simpson, Terence Davis,Derek Walker, Lecoy Dean, Danny Combs, and James Watford.



    Jesse Sanchez standing at the plate waiting for his pitch.

    Top: Cleveland's Baseball team showing their appreciation aftera well played game against VAP at Busch Stadium.

    Bottom: Cleveland NJROTC wins the PHL tournament at BuschStadium.

  • I 1991-1992

    Above (I-r) : On Coast Guard Trip: Brian Price, Cra ig Muelle r, Viengsavanh Vorachack. Below Right : Landing at Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida.

    AboVe (I-r): Ms. Diana Castro, Batina Tolliver, Tara Campbell.Shirley Dilworth, Yvette Cash.

  • I field..Trips.

    Top- Honor Cadet: Yvette Cash Center- Honor Cadets: Yvette CashAnd Cedric Washington Bottom Right- Todd Robinson in a flightsimulator.

    Pensaco/a, f'/orida

    The Pensacola, Florida trip is basically a tour of what a pilotmust go through before he can actually fly in the navy. The toursinclude many place such as AOCS, a flight museum, Survival TrainingSchool, and even an aircra ft carrier (the USS Forestall was in forthis Pensacola trip). Cadets usually stay in the barracks and spendabout four days on the trip. They eat on the base and generally thefood is good .

    Mini-Boot Camp

    Mini-Boot Camp is a yearly event that selected cadets may attendfor one week. In that time they learn and experience many differentthings.

    Some of the experiences they have are the gas chamber, smokechamber, jumping from a ten-foot high platform into a swimmingpool. Some of the most interesting parts of the trip are all theexercises done daily . There is a wide variety of push-ups,sit-ups,jumping jacks, and many other exercises that the officerscan think of.

  • ON OUR W A


    o U T


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    ' '.. .. . ...

    .... '. . .....

  • Regimental

    This year's Regimental Staff had many changes during the year.We have pictured them more informally than in the past and we havelisted them by name and position, If there is a number, it denotesthe semester the position was held, (from Top) Brian Price,Regimental Commander; Tara Campbell , Deputy Regimental Commander(J); Shirley Dilworth , Deputy Regimental Commander (2); AndreaBickell , Operations Officer (1); Matt Winberry, Operations Officer(2); Kamilia Lunn , Administrative Officer; Tiffany Johnson ,Assistant Administration Officer; Eric ford , Supply Officer;Jonathan Allers, Masterat-Arms; Damon Dortch , AssistantMaster-at-Arms ( J ); Clint Elder, Assistant Master-at -A rms (2) ;Sandy Shipp, Awards Officer (2); Batina Tolliver, first BatallionCommander ( I) ; Harold Moore , First Batallion Commander (1),First Batallion Commander (2); Jason Kayser, first Batallion XO(2)' Public Affairs Officer (1), Not pictured Lornice Herring Public Affairs (2)


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  • Staff 1992-93

    SUPPLY OFFICERS: (Seated) Sandy Shipp, Shenitha Laden, VinnieVorachack, Ruth White, Shannon Wicks; (Row 2) Becky O'Guinn ,Desmond Dabney, Glynnetta Chancellor, Javonna Benson , DanyellaPratt, Tamika Rayborn , Michael DriSkell , Todd Robinson; (Row 3)Tony Hunt. Craig Mueller, Eric Ford , James Johnson, Chad Bickell ,John Rudolph .

    From Top: Jason Wills, Second Batallion Commander ; DanielleBerkley, Second Batallion XO (2) , Awards Officer (1) ; James Bess,Alpa Company Commander (1 ); Craig Mueller, Alpha Company XO (1);Alpha Company Commander (2); Javonna Ben son, Alpha Company XO (2);Tamika Jordan, Charlie Company Commander (1) ; Vinnie Vorachack,Charlie Company XO (1). Charlie Company Commander (2); ToddRobinson , Charlie Company XO (2); Tyra Nunn , Delta CompanyCommander; Monica Causey, Delta Company XO; Chad Bickell , WeaponsOfficer (2). Not pictured: Eric Oldenberg, Weapons Officer (1).

  • The Way



  • 1. .

    We Were

    See Index for n

  • : . . ..... .

    ." " . . ... :: I

  • Senior

    TALLEST - Eric Ford, Heather Raymond

    MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED - Brian Price, Tara

    Kim Stayton



    BEST FRIENDS - Eric Ford, Jason Wills FRIENDLIEST - ChadBickell, Shirley Dilworth

    CUTEST COUPLE - Danyella Pratt and MOST DEPENDABLE - HaroldMoore, Sandy Shipp Michael Wilder

  • Superlatives

    BEST ALL AROUND - Harold Moore, Andrea Bickell

    BEST BUILT - Todd Robinson, Monica Causey

    BEST SENSE OF HUMOR - Elijah Hughes

    PRETTIEST EYES Leandrea Hemphill

    BIGGEST FLIRT - O.J. Brown, Shannon Wicks

    MOST ATHLETIC - Galen Taylor, Aintree Jones

    NOT SHOWN: Best Friends - Tara Campbell and Batina Tolliver;Shortest - Romell Whittaker; Best Sense of Humor - JullietteDouglas; Prettiest Eyes - Bernard Taylor; Most Talkative - BrianMcGilL Rhonda Thornton; Most Unique - Hisab Muhammed, ChristineGianino

  • (t [ast 'Mil and .7estarnent of the classo/ /993...

    I, Frank Salven, do leave all of my knowl to the seniors

    ... JaVonna Benson, do hereby leave my extra credits to anyonein need and bus K47 to LaShonda Brown so that ahe may sing all theway to school ...Danielle Berkley, do hereby leave my rope toShemelle Davis, my sense of humor to LaShonda Brown and TakeshaDavis, my brilliance to Michelle Cowins, and my hurdling abilitiesto and Smith ... Andrea Bickell, do hereby leave anything andeverything to the class of 1994 .. Chad Bickell, do leave my extracredits to all those juniors that are to need help and my rope towhoever wasn't good for staff ... 0. J. Brown, do hereby leave mysenior stars and books to my mother Shemelle Davis and my Ph. D.and fro to LaRon

    .. LaShonda Campbell, do hereby leave quietness, my advice, my ,and my hard work to my sister Davis ... Monica Causey, do leave mybegging habits to Donna Lee, my good to Shemelle Davis, and my goodlooks to Stephanie Dunn ... Gl Chancellor, do hereby leave thesemonumental walls of Cleveland NJROTC with the feeling of successfulachievements and accomplishments, and my and writing abilities tomy younger sister T'Shena Smith .. Terez Cook, do hereby leave mysenior credits and my abili to skip class and not get caught toShemelle Davis ... Shi Dilworth, do leave my friendliness toSamantha Wadley, my leadership abilities to LaShonda Brown, and mycredits to all those in need ... Damon Dortch, do leave my abilityto be a strong, outgoing individual to those leftover juniors andsophom*ores, and my Wanda to Yolandra and Yolanda Martin,

    Clark, Robinson, Tina Thurman, Olivia Adams, and to all thatthought I was a crazy senior with a small ... Julliette , do leavemy sense of humor and my obnoxious and ambitious ways of goingabout things to Rico Watkins ..Michael Driskell, do leave my goodPhYSics to all the suckers who take it next year

    Farr, do hereby leave my best wishes and Hollowood and AndreJohnson Ford, do hereby leave my remaining credits to be up equalamong the underclassmen

  • ... Sharmal Ford, do hereby leave my intelligence and my goodsense of humor that reflects my inner brilliance to Tamera Mooreand Ardella Williams ...Christine Gianino, do leave directions tothe underclassmen to have the best time before they graduate andremember to achieve your best so they can look back on the goodmemories of high school

    ... Anthony Green, do leave my lity to roam the halls withoutasked for a hall pass and all my extra credit to Kenneth Green .'.. Wanda do leave my abi I i ty to beI and sticated to my friendTif Steed, my ability to speak my mind to Janai Fingers, and myability to smile and stay to Kizzie Lofton ... Steve Hedricks, dohereby leave nothing to anyone because they are not worthy ..Larnice Herring, do leave my fellas to Shemelle Davis, mycleverness to LaShonda Brown, my grade point average to StephanieDunn, and my macking abilities to LaJuan Peppers .. KarmonnJackson, do hereby leave my name for the hi book so that all youunderclassmen can say that you knew me, and my jumping ability toLamont Brown ... Alvin King, do hereby leave my uni abilities,wisdom, and athletic abilities to all the scrubs that need them...Angye Kolb, do hereby leave my year long hall pass with myskipping fifth period and leaving for lunch to Brian Bi ... KamillaLunn, do hereby leave my "lunchtime" conversation to Master ChiefBerry because I know he'll miss all of us when we're gone .. ErinMalone, do hereby leave my sloppy locker, boring teachers, and mostof all my peers who were a bunch of clowns to the incoming Freshmanclass .. Bronshay McCarthy, do hereby leave my basketball skillstq_ Rico Watkins, my appetite to Viron , my extra credits toMichael Jackson, my smartness to Ebony Israel my sl in Mr.Breclaw's class to Cleo Richmond, and my sense of humor to Hakeem... Harold Moore, do hereby leave my self confidence and disci ineto Jason Jeffries, Carlos Olds and Roderick Wilson, my leadershipto Kyle Puckett and Scott Bohannon and my determination andathletic ability to those who need it ... Jeri Moore, do herebyleave my roaming the halls with no pass, eat both lunches, and mymath skills to Tina Thurman, and to Sherrell Sykes my love andsupport to the one

    will have feelings for Mueller, do leave my extra creditsand

    eadership abilities to whoever takes over my position


  • . Tyra Nunn, do leave my rifle to my leadership ability to JasonJeffries and rope to Damon Nunn ...Becky O'Guinn, do hereby leavebehind Vinnie. Voracheck for irritation and my best wishes forsuccess to the junior class ..Brian Price, do hereby leave andCaptain Deloach and all of the bility that with them to mydistinguished ... Jeff Randick, do hereby leave nothing to anyone.... Heather Raymond, do hereby leave at this school that was of anyvalue (that belonged to me) and, yes, it's still a threat, not apromise .. Martisha Robinson, do leave my smile, my locker, mybooks, and most of all my extra credits to Harris and RhondaHamilton ... Robert Rulo, do hereby leave I have learned and notpaid any attention to to the class of 1994 ... Christine Schone, dohereby leave my extra credits to Donna Jarmon, my breakfast checksto Lisa my mood swings to Tori Shannon Moore, my seat at thebreakfast table to Tamara Merriweather, my loud voice to LaRhondaSmith, and the best of luck and peace to everyone I didn't mention..Sandy Shipp, do hereby leave my athletic abil and patience withthe team along with my seat at lunch to Melissa Turnbaugh (don'tlet the freshmen take our table over) ... Patricia Simms, do herebyleave my attitude, my mood

    , and my knowledge and of all men to Shemelle Davis . GalenTaylor, do hereby leave my to my IiI brother Mike

    . Pickett and my position and talent to my other IiI brotherKenneth Green .. Rhonda Thornton, do leave my c and my lovablenature to all my favorite teachers B.S., E.D., N.W., M.W., J.H.,B.G., J.J., and my wonderful and my silliness and love to TammyGentry, Sparkle Thornton, Lisa and Damon Nunn ...Batina Tolliver,do hereby leave my pretty brown skin to Michele Cowins, my hair toStephanie Ramey, my behind to Denise Brown, my intelligence andwisdom to all those I leave behind, and my credits to thoseunfortunate enough to not have all of their own ... JamesTurnbaugh, do hereby Ileave my wit and humor and my ability to actup in class and not get in trouble to all the underclassmen, ly mylittle sister Butch ...Vinnie Vorachack, do hereby leave soccerabilities to Tim Smi my smarts to my Sister, and my leadershipabilities ~n.~ whoever deserves them

  • .. Shane Vunkannon, do hereby leave the halls that I have roamedfor three years and the hell I have given teachers the class of1994 ... Cherice Walker, do hereby leave the jonin' sessions toTori-Shannon Moore, Orlando Little and Nichole Hathaway, the choirto Cassandra Smith and cheerleading to LaToya Walker ... CedricWashington, do hereby leave my flirting to Ken and Cedric, and myskipping classes to everyone else that's cool with me . ... ScharonWillis, do hereby leave my academic support to help you developinto your senior year and all my credits to Michael Jackson and allthe juniors ... LaShona Woodbury, do hereby leave all my books, mylocker, my sense of humor, and my leftover credits to DamondBraxton and Twan Fair ,

  • rN TEN YEARS ...

    Frank Salvin will be married and a professional bowler ...

    Javonna Benson will be married with one child and a and

    be running her own clothing store ... Danielle Berkley will be asuccessful attorney a whole

    lot of changes in the justice system ... Andrea Bickell will bemarried with one or two children and

    either fi ing fires in America or translat sh in

    Chad Bickell will be happy with whatever he' s do , with acollege degree and making pretty money ...

    O.J. Brown will be in the Air Force it one day at a time ...

    Monica Causey will be 27 years old and successfully her ownbusiness ...

    Glynnetta Chancellor will be a successful broadcast journalistworking for the

    Terez Cook will be married to that 1 someone and have a goodpaying job and memories of NJROTC ...

    Shirley Dilworth will be a successful business woman married toDr. Charles er with two beautiful kids ...

    Julliette Douglas will have a career in nurs ,married to a greatman with wonderful children, 1 in the suburbs of Chesterfield...

    Michael Driskell will be a chemical Anthony Farr will be atSouthwestern Bell or Union

    Electric ... Eric Ford will be half way to retirement in theU.S. Navy ... Sharmal Ford will be among the top ten rankedcomputer

    service technicians ... Christine Gianino will be married andboth she and her

    husband will have jobs ... Anthony Green will be withMedical

    Services. and will be married ... Wanda Haynes will be a modelor a certified public accountant

    or both ... Steve Hedrick will be twenty seven .. Larnice Hewill be a part time metallurgical engineer

    and a full time dentist in Florida, and be engaged to a man whois a civil r and pro football player ...

    Karmonn Jackson will be married, happy and running his ownbarber

    Alvin will be start his own computer business ... Kolb will beworking on her retirement from the U.S.

    Air Force. Kamilla Lunn will be i married and in asuccessful

    career ... Erin Malone will be married and making better thandecent

    money in a job she loves ... McCarty will be married with twokids in Dallas and

    hard as a successful F.B .. agent ... Harold Moore will be majorleague baseball, very rich

    and Ii in St. LouiS, New York, Chicago and L.A ...

  • 1

    Jeri Moore will be married with 2 kids in Atlanta making moneyas a CPA and teaching college classes ...

    Craig Mueller will be flying with the search and rescue aircraftas an ASM/ SAR swimmer ...

    Hisab Mohammed will still be in the Navy as a high rankingmedical officer . ..

    Tyra Nunn will still be married to Rozell Blanks, living in atownhouse working as an accountant ...

    Becky O'Guin will be married to Rob Rulo with a career of herown ...

    Brian Price will be a little older and probably a lot balder andworking as a successful chemical engineer at Dow or Monsanto...

    Jeff Randick will be running the world ... Heather Raymond willbe living in a cardboard box because

    she can't afford college so she won't be able to get a job...

    Martisha Robinson will be an early childhood teacher and bemarried to the love of her life, Dion Cole .. .

    Robert Rulo will be married and in the U.S. Army .. . ChristineSchole will be married with 2 kids and very rich . . . Sandy Shippwill be a teacher, married with 2 children ... Patricia Simms willbe working as a successful accountant . .. Galen Taylor will bemarried and working as a journalist for

    the St. Louis POST-DISPATCH ... Rhonda Thornton will be into hercareer as a doctor or a

    lawyer and be married ... Batina Tolliver will be 27, asuccessful lawyer making big

    bucks with a successful husband making big bucks .. . VinnieVorachack will be working for the government catching

    bad guys ... Shane Vunkannon will be a Military Police Officerin either

    the U.S. Marine Corps or U.S. Air Force ... Cherice Walker willbe married to Keith Blackwell living in

    Atlanta and have a master's degree in Biochemistry . . . CedricWashington will be getting ready to open his own

    business ... Scharon Willis will be married to Michael andliving the rich

    life being a pediatrician ... LaShona Woodbury will be marriedto Damond, studying law or

    accounting, with a beautiful family . ..

    The staff of The MUSTER sincerely wishes the best for the Classof 1993, and we look forward to their hopes and dreams comingtrue.


  • IN OUR

    P R I

    M E


  • IN THE M



    D L


    SOPhom*oRES .

  • Sophom*ores

    Roy Abshire

    Wayne Adams Bennie Anderson

    Jerome Anderson Rachel Anderso

    Shane Anderson William Andre

    Jennifer Armer Joseph Austin Andrea Bates

    f.ric Beasley Ton Belt

    f.ugene Bickley Aaron Bishop

    Jason Bitter

    Michael Bomarlto Antone .Booker

    Chad Bowen Russell Bowen Renee Bowers

    Mark Boyd Wllllam Bradshaw WnUe Brewington William Brockett

    Joseph Brooks

    Richard Brown Shacrieta Brown Kimberly Bryant

    Christopher Cage Marla caIn

  • Lawrence HOgan Heather Horton Derek Howard Alexander HoWellEbonyl8rael

    Deandre J8.dvIOn Howard James Ramone James DonnaJanD911 JasOnJdfrteS

    ctarende Jordan Hlrk KaUl:ter Moze11 I

  • Cherece HdUnnfly Laklsha Mitchell

    Tory Mitchell Markeith


    C8r1sa mkolalsen C8rlosOldS

    AJeXaftdre r~ &~'..-son

    Corey I'hlllfps Ivory PhUl1ps Wesley Pltts 8ObbyPoik


  • Richard campbell Kylon cannlda Danny Combs Michael foote

    Charles Outhrle

    Rita Hill Chris Johnson

    Randy Keifer Mark Kraatz

    William MUter

    Terry Moore Joshua Pennington

    William Pratt Roy Robinson

    Jeremy Schleicher

    Christine Sbwnpert James Sweeney

    Philip Thompson Paula Vance

    James Warren

    James Williams Roderick Wilson

  • Caught Ya' Napping!

    At CJNA, even our students get too tired to not get " caughtnapping. " Top left - David Moss, Top right - Chris Banks, Aboveleft -Jermale Atkins, Above right -Cherice Walker.

  • Special Times

    Throughout the year, Cleve

    land 's cadets are involved in special activities. Some of themare seldom recognized , and we wanted to show two of them here.

    Left: Lisa Clay, Desmond Dabney, Charles Perkins and RodneyJohnson were able to get their picture taken with Jackie JoynerKersee at a special recognition dinner last fall.

    Below: The Cleveland cadets sent a special card to the troops inSomalia during the holiday season. Cadets Jennifer Smith , JohnMcGhee , Wilbert Tilson , Mark Kraatz , Sh irley Dilworth , AngieJones, Andrea Bickell and Brian Price are shown with Jennifer'smother, Janet Smith and Andrew. Mrs. Smith was instrumental ingetting the card project completed.

  • A Day In The Life OfA Cadet

    .,,...,.._..... ,r :.~ .


    TOp left: Most cadets begin their day on a school bus. Topright: Muster begins the cadets academic day. Above left: Beforeclass begins, cadets congregate and socialize. Above right:Attention on deck! Far left: English is a class all cadets take ,Left: Chemistry challenges many cadets.

  • IN THE B E






  • '... . ,"

    , ., ~ ",. ' ..",.,' ........" .. .

    .... , "

    ." . . .' ; .:' .::' , ..

    Christopher' , Ackerman '

    Arthur Adams Dameon Adams '

    Phillip Ahrens Kristina 'Akins '

    Amanda Alberiho

    Moses Alicea ' Jarmaine Allan ,'

    ShaunAlmas Eric Aivey ,

    Michael Andell " Edward Atkin~on

    Marquida Bacon Eric Baebler ,. Adam Barro : :.

    Yarvette Bass.. ' LaVanche Battle

    Percy Bennett

    Terrance Berna'rd ,

    David Berni .Aaron Betts Lisa Bishop

    Ronnie Bobbish Jason Bomaritd , .

    Rachel B~wen Brian 60yd

    Quitina 60yd Chandra Bradley '

    Zakee Branch : 1 ./ Marcus Brinkley" ,

    Danetta Brown Thayon Brown,

    Theman Brown Travis Brown

    Ian Broz Arpy Bruckner

    , .. . ".

    Melissa Bruder

    Justina Brunt .:,

    Shamarla Bryant

    , . Erica Bunting .

    Christine Bu rke Kimberly Burns -

    .,' ...... ;..::.: ...

  • " , ,~,' "

    freshmen do~ng their work hop ', , ingto get an A:. One studentseems ',' to have, eyes on the :cameni; we ' know whatgra'desh~fias! : '

    Nichelle Butler Cazatfa,Cain ' ,

    , ': Craig Campb~f1 " ' Daryk Cal)1pbell Hollytarollo ' LOriCarroll

    "':',. Tim~thYcaft~f ' ' Matthew ' tatarinthi ' ,

    ,Tll11o.tny:.cheney : ' , ,: , Tomi eho: '" ' " , M~rk Christman'

    Michael ' '" ,,' , " Christman '

    Christy Chumley ' D,arrick Clark " , ,

    ',: TequanaClarK " ", ' Tamara Cole :,

    .. Katrina CoIem'.ll1 '" :,: Tony,

  • . ~' .

    . ,

    Julian Dabher AniyDaly

    Dorienne Davis : ' Johmithan Davis

    Knee;5he Davis

    Natoshia Davis ,.'.

    , " " Wim~'m Davi; . SniiunnDeal

    . RemiaDean ' , Mi~.hael Devaney ' Dana Dickerson , . JamesDixon.

    ' Michael Dodson

    . Angeta Doyle. .

    : . Scott Drown

    Lakasha ' Dllckw.orth ' '

    Jamie Durney ' Michael Dunn

    Kimberly Durbin Kent DlJrham . '

    , CyrithiaDy~r'

    James Eddington :

    Jared Edwards . " J.eremiah .

    , ' Edward.s .

    , Jermaine :Ellio( . JesSi.caEngel ... ,

    Dewon F~rgus6n .

    , ,.prentis :Finch.

    . Bangarfood Bryan FranKlin '

    ,.,. Elmus Fr~Zi~r Lemeshayflu)oW. .. . Billy FurmanMichaeLChiiuache . . Susan uarrfache . ,', M~lissa Geo rge

    ... , Jon ,Gerik . juiieGerrein, ..'

    , Emmanual: .. ' Giannas

    ', Don Gillespie :. " . LoretlaGfenk

    JoeiGciehler .

  • ;:1

    " oJ" ";4i . . ( -~ t .: ' --,_

    --.J,J - ...J.,J

    Delta 2 learning the basics fO i drilHng. Watch out! Charlie,Brav( and Alpha company Delta com pany inight be.moving in.

    Jason Graddy James Green Lakisha Green Douglas Greene:Juli~OJiffin Una Gross

    Edwin Guebert Jennifer HaU Keyona Hall

    ....... RhonQa Hamiltor Corey Harris Dana Harris

    Demarco Harris James Harris Latonia Harris Mark. Harris WeylinHarris Jason Hart

    Jesse Hatcher Trina Haynes

    . Joseph .Heinkel . Delores Heilems . Shawn Herrick

    Alisha Higgins

  • Timothy Higgins Fredrick Hilliard

    Granada' Hi nes :: Danielle Hood '

    Robert Howard Robert Hudson'

    Elizabeth Hunt Hung Huynh

    Edward 1rons, '" Corey Irving

    Jason Jakoubek Samuel Jamison '

    Herman Jerrod Robbie Jinson

    Celisha Johnson Jasmine Johnson Michael Johnson

    Scott Johnson

    Deandre Johnson Marlon J,6ne~

    Samantha Jones Arlesha Joy

    Kristi na Keltz ' " Brian Kerlagon

    Earle Key Latisha King . '

    Michael Kinkade Paul Klingbeil

    Adam Koenemen Phillip Kohlman

    Adrian Law Desiree Leahart

    Demettious Lenard

    Jamie Leporin " ' Ella Lewis :

    Laron Lewis

    Michael Lewis Anthony Liska

    Rickey Littlefield Kizzy Lofton Jessie Love ., : Kenya !-owe

    . ..:::. I \ ./



  • 1'1r; Breclaw's taking advantage6Uheir free time.


    Datra Lu.cious Virginia Mac1{

    ATiana Marr

    TenUIe ,Marshall

    ... Vernon Martin Yolanda Martin

    Yolanda Martir'l Melinda Mayweather

    ,. Teresa . McCormick

    Shawn McDaniel Corey McDonald Syn McDonald

    Chronda ' , McDow.ell

    " Darryl McEimurry . Alfredo McGee ' .. S.l1grrod McGee '

    Anthony McM1IJia.rl .'

    . Sean M~ier

    En)estMi\ler .' pafion]'1itchell ' Jerome M,itchell NathanMoeser J.ermaine Moffii , Ch ristopherMoore ' ..


  • Jawanda M,orehouse

    EugeneMQrgan , William Morgan,

    ' TeveMuHihs Michelle 'Murphy , Thonard ,Naylor '.

    CLark Newsome ' ftarry Nichol~on

    Thelmal'Jorth . ; Michael Null '" , Willie OklIey :, VanessaOnkle

    't Jamie Orlando David Pallme

    Asnun Parker : Tracey Petty ,

    Jantes Phillips Ric:hard Picard "

    Mark Politte ' Alonzo Poweif

    , Clinton Prestenbach '

    TimothyPribble , , Steve Rahmoem~r,

    Angela Rainey '

    Benjarbih Randatl ' Niekina Ransom . Airiana Rathert. . ArianeReddic:k

    Karen Reed ' Melvin Reed::

    Adam Reeves Michael Rennich

    Michael Reynolds '" Elbert Rhimes

    Korey Rhodes DennIs Richard

    Deno Rich;ard Corey Richardsol1 ' , , ', 'Jacqueline

    ; ,; ,.Roberson , . Aman9

  • I ~

    Freshmen relaxing afte r an intense lecture by Mr.Katzenburger

    Chanel Roddy Jeremy Rodgers Terran Rogers Scott Ross Jacob RothBryan Rothenburg

    Chad Rowley Michael Rudden Kenneth Sandrell Michael SashankarEric Seals Robert Sed res

    Shaun Shaffer Ralph Sharp Justin Shelton Kenneth Shelton MischaShelton Janet Simmons

    Hkaalis Small Barry Smith Cassandra Smith Catherine Smith CatinaSmith Dawn Smith

  • Mark Smith Michael L. Smith

    ,Michael T: Smith Rodger Smith Sheka Smith

    Stephen Sobocinski

    Hector 'Solis Monica

    Somerville Jason Spieker

    ", Marquis Stanbury . 'Jeremy Sweeney

    , Latroy Taylor

    .. Salvador ThenenNaytashaTolliver

    , Brian Turnbo

    Corey Turner Beth Underwood Todd Verderber

    Damon Walker Michael Wallace

    Marlon Ward

    Wanda Washington

    Candice Watson . Michael Watts Ronnie Webber . Nieshieka Wells .Tamantha


    Taniko Wheeler .... . Henry White

    Mario White Kunta Wiggins . Louis Wilder

    '. Charles Wilkins

    David Williams Janitta Williams Kentral Williams

    Keymorah Williams

    Sandra Williams Carlos Willis

  • Mrs. Williams' social stud- . ies class gets busy on theirupcoming project.

    . G10resca Willis Timothy WlJIis Jonathan Wilson Mariland WilsonMaurice Wilson Romel Wilson

    Kevin Wittig Aaron Wolford Erica Wolfschoefer Richanda WrightChristina York Bettina Young

    Damon Young Maurice Young Glynnis Brewster TravIs Brown VincentChambers Kneeshe Davis

    Michael Edwards Erica Gardner carmen Hairston Brian HayesAntwaun Hoskins Damon Johnson

  • Melissa Johllscnl .. Robert Kedro'

    Gary Keiser ... Marius Palmer

    Rachel Pfeil .Reginald Raven

    ~ichael Reynolds Jamie Rickard Amber RusSell

    Cortiny Scruggs . LaTonya Sims

    Toby Stringfellow

    . Jennifer Tilson LOuis Wilder

    Jerry Wise

  • IN THE









  • Engl ish / Foreign Language StaffDepartment

    Diana Castro Constance Daniels Kenneth DeNeal Ellen DunnellRobert Eichhorn

    Anne Grosberg Alfred Katzenberger Sandra Pfefferkorn CarolWehrli James Wiswall

    Social Studies Department

    Mabel Jacques

    Department Mead ./

    t (TOp row. left to right) Oashon Chalmers. Ronald Newell . RoyStroup. Martha Williams; (Bottom row) David Strauss. John Rowland(Department Mead)

  • Rita Green

    Betty Shackleford

    Mathematics Department

    MaryAnn Campbell Barton Davis

    t Jesse Jost Robert Martin

    Veronica O 'Neil

    Department Head

    Not pictured - Gayle Coleman

    John Breclaw

    Theotris Hughes

    Arts Department

    ' f

    (Top, left to right) Carol Howard . Department Head; JudithHinds, Gerald Laster, Rhonda Staton, Lola Strayhorn. (Bottom) Ms.Hinds in class. Not pictured - M. JoAnn Gibson, Bernard Noonan,George Simmons

  • Resource Department

    Donna EllebrachtMerceline Bouie Vaudra Caldwell Lillar FortsonCarol Lewis Department Head

    '\ ~

    . "-,f''. I' -~.&."


    Mia Williams

    Physical Education Department

    Betty Galloway Jennifer Jackson Rae Sneed Daniel HalloranDepartment Head

  • Science Department

    William Brush Department Head

    Not pictured Joseph Manson

    Russell Fedak Irwin Hicks R. Patricia McGuire Judy Nicholson

    Glenn Owens Victor Press


    - '_ . . " . .

    Martha Hargis

    Sandra McNeal

    Theresa Paul

  • Naval Science Department

    Earl Berry Brian Beyer Rollin Eggleston Lawrence Fields GeorgeHair

    James Owens John Parson Willie Roe Edward Sutton JamesTaylor

  • Auxilliary Staff

    Cleveland has many, many staff mem bers wh om we ta ke forgranted - the custodians, the cafeteria workers, the engineers, thebook clerk, the nurse, speech therapist librarian - and manyothers. We were able to get pictures of some of them. Below arepart of the security staff - Shirley Harris (left) and MarvinMosley (right).

    Nancy Bundren Pamela Klein Shanda Roberts Karen Ware

    Debra Brockschmidt Henry Hampel Shirley McCain


    \' \ I . . L . \. ,

  • Administration

    Gerald Anderson Principal

    Richard Stumpe Captain

    Herbert Hacker Leonard Mershon James Donnelly AssistantPrincipal Assistant Principal Data Processing Steven Deloach

    Captain ';"

    James ThomsonThelma Fountain John Kelley DisciplineInstructionalCoordinator Discipline

  • PTCO

    President Donald Bickell presents a plaque to Terry Kightlingerin appreciation of her dedication to Cleveland and its program for10 years.

    N.J.R .O.T.C.


    Even though the PTCO is not a part of the staff. we feel that itis a part of the schooL They lend support to us in many waysfinancially. emotionally. and physically because they are " alwaysthere" for us. They helped us in yearbook sales. at Homecoming. atPass-in-Review and other end of the year activities and in so manyother ways throughout the year.

    The first meeting of the year is a busy one for PresidentBickell and those registering the participants. The pictures belowshow the first meeting.

    The PTCO proudly shows its banner at Homecoming.

  • A Day In The Life Of An Ansi

    MGSgt. Edward Sutton is typical of the dedicated instructors atCleveland Junior Naval Academy. He not only teaches, but hesponsors the Senior class, he coaches, and he can be found at mostof the activities that the school is involved in . We have caughthim during a typical day - from the top left clockwise-meeting witha cadet before school. grading papers, planning some sen'ioractivities, and coaching after school.

    We could have chosen any number of ANSls or regular teachers anddone a page on them because most of the teaching staff is involvedin the school in the same way as "Gunny" is.

  • INTIfE S




    L I G If TCLUBSj


  • National Honor Society

    The National Honor society is one of the most prestigiousorganizations a student can be allowed to join. Cadets must do wellacademically, show good character and leadership traits and be ofservice to the school and community. Each year this organizationdoes several service projects and in the spring the new members areinducted (see supplement) .

    Above right: At an NHS meeting are (I-r. -back) Jesse Jason Lamping, Jason Kayser; (front) Shenitha Laden,Danielle Berkley , Andrea Bickell and Brian __ I Price. Below right: Working at the food drive are (I-r) James Turner. Andrea Bickell.Michael Driskell and James Bess.

    I ., ....... . -"' I I

    O h

  • 07 Choir

    The choir performs several times throughout the year. They areshown here in their practice room. Left: Row 1: Chastity Simpson,JoAnn Nash, Michelle Cowins, Samantha Wadley, Nikia Edwards; Row 2:Nicole Hathaway, Celisha Johnson, Tammy Young, Isis Shelley, WandaRoberts, Danielle Cook; Row 3 : Zakee Branch, Orlando Brown, EricAlvey, Demarcio Coleman; Row 4: Terry Moore, Jermale Atkins, FredWatson. Bobby Polk.

    Below left: Mr. Gerald Laster always seems to enjoy his workwith the choir as its director. Below right: Mr. Laster explainswhat the choir members should be doing, and then leads them indOing it.

  • I Band 1992-93 I Band Director Ms. Staton re

    hearsing with the band for upcoming performances and events.

    Drum major Michael Montgomery, Asst. Drum majors Ebony Wilsonand Antoine Hunter showing off their spirit in the HomecomingParade.

  • .Drum Major M.ichael Montgomery, Asst. Drum majors Ebony Snares:Cedric Harrison, Damon Dortch, and Derrick Perkins; Cym

    Wilson and Antome Hunter showing off their spirit in the Homebois: Adam Reeves and Dameon Adams.

    coming Parade.

    Here's a shot of the Drum Major and the band playing a numberduring half time of the Homecoming game.

    (Lett) Bass Line: Derrick Keely, Eddie Irons, Lawrence Hogan,Samuel Stewart. and Terrance Simpson.

  • MSLP This is a newer club at CJNA

    which gives several students a chance to learn leadership andsurvival skills.

    Right: (I-r, front) Joann Nash, Andrea Guerin, Latasha Walker;(middle) Ms. Gibson, sponsor, Sarah Cooper, Pam Hicks, WaltSawicki, Roger Henderson, Ms. Ellebracht, sponsor; (back) WilliamFinely, Jerrell Johnson, Neville Green, Shawn Havey; not pictured,Carl Stanley. Below right: (I-r, kneeling) Joann Nash, LatashaWalker, Roger Henderson; (standing) Ms. Gibson, Shawn Havey, CarlStanley, Neville Green, Pam Hicks, William Finley. Below: Pam Hicksrepels down the cliff on one of the MSLP overnight trips.

    .. ,. . . ..


    TREND has continued its fight

    against drugs and its positive attitude toward fun without useof illegal substances.

    Left: Members of TREND attended several meetings in the libraryat which guest speakers appeared. Below: Members of group include(I-r, front) Carl Stanley, Angelina Elswick, Lucy Nash, LeeAnnMedlock, Khalisha Savage, Dr. Bouie (sponsor), Marquis Avant,Lakesia Kirk, Sharon Marshall, Wanda Rob

    e erts, Michael Rudden, Barry Hanco*ck; (back) Charles James,Rose Scales, and guest speakers Tyler and Broadnax.

  • Valentine's Day Dance

    Cleveland's Valentine's Day Dance was held in the fieldhouse

    Top left: (I-r) (King) Damon Nunn, (Prince) Terence Price and(Duke) Jared Edwards wait for the announcement of the winners. Topright: (I-r) (duch*ess) LaToya McGary, (Princess) Sarah Cooper and(Queen) Jennifer Smith wait for the announcement of the winners.Above left: Contestants lined up after passing through the HonorGuard, (I-r), Corey Bise; Sarah Cooper, Jared Edwards, LaToyaMcGary, Joanne Nash, Damon Nunn, Terence Price, Earnestine Scales,and Jennifer Smith. Above right: Elmer Jackson congratulated DamonNunn on his Kingship.

  • Dancing In The Field House

    Each year several dances are held in the Field House as a treatfor the students. We've pictured a few of the fun moments, both inand out of the dance itself.

  • There are many members of the joumalism class who worked on theyearbook and the newspaper this year. Top right: Members of theyearbook staff, The MUSTER, pose for a picture: Denise Brown, MiSunCho, Mike Endsley, Greg Grant, Angie Hardin, John Elkins, TheresaClark, Shirley Dilworth , Michelle Cowins, Stephanie Ramey, DamonDortch; (seated) Kelly Huebner and Scott Bohannon.

    Members of the newspaper staff, The COMMANDER, pose for apicture: Stephanie Ramey, Christy Alberino, Clyde Forland, GregPurdy, Denise Brown, Jermale Atkins, Kenneth Robinson, CameronFountain, Michelle Cowins, MiSun Cho, Elton Narez, JahuneStrickland, and Scott Niemann.

    Bottom Left: Mrs. Ellen Dunnell, sponsor of the publications,was usually able to laugh, even when the deadlines were close andthe pages weren't ready. Bottom Right: Chief Glenn Owens, financialmanager and photographer, was at most events in order to picturethe year for you.

    Not pictured with the newspaper staff are Olivia Adams, AmyClampitt Galen Taylor, (first semester editor) Batina Tolliver andMatt Winberry. Not pictured with the yearbook staff are TaraCampbell , Terez Cook, Julliette Douglas Heather Raymond ,Christine Schone, Galen Taylor and Batina Tolliver.

    Yearbook And

  • Newspaper

    Left: Second semester editor of The COMMANDER, Greg

    Purdy, confers with reporter Kenneth Robinson about an

    article for the February issue.

    Below Left: Several people worked on both the yearbook

    and the newspaper; some of them were Stephanie

    Ramey, Shirley Dilworth, John Elkins, Theresa Clark and

    Denise Brown.

    Below right: Some of the people who worked on the

    yearbook supplement which you will receive this sum

    mer were Greg Grant. Angie Hardin, Kelly Huebner. Scott

    Bohannon and John Elkins.

    Bottom: Yearbook editor, Angie Hardin, attended a work

    shop this summer to learn how to complete yearbooks.

    She is shown here getting advice from Warren Klawiter,

    the yearbook rep; and she is shown learning how to do a


  • IN OUR B E S T



  • Junior Ring Dance


    Top Left: The Senior class just

    having fun at their Junior Ring


    Left : (Left to Right) Batina

    Tolliver, Yvette Cash , Tara

    Campbell, J ulliette Douglas,

    Tamika Jordan and Shirley

    Dilworth posing pretty for a pic


    Above: Master Chief Berry hold

    ing Junior Ring Cake.

  • The 1991-92 Naval Ball Queen

    LaRicka Wh itfield surrounded by

    her court (left to right)-Joy Roys

    ton-Sophom*ore Maid, Rita Hill

    Freshman Maid , and Shenitha

    Laden-Junior Maid.

    TOp: Tierre Price congratulates

    Rita Hill. Above: Mrs. Judith Hinds

    and John Cooper pose for a pic

    ture after the Ball.

    Above Right: Jessica Wills and

    Chad Bickell were one of the cou at the Ball.

    Right: Rosalyn Jones and Cleola Richmond showing ofT their Balldresses.

  • 1992 Naval Ball

    The Naval Ball is the biggest social event of the year. It's anelaborate dance which is usually held at the Clarion Hotel. Theyoung men dress in their service dress uniforms, and the youngladies dress in elegant ball gowns. It is quite a lovely time everyyear. To start the night off the girls running for Naval Ball Queenand Maids are presented to the audience while a short autobiographyof each is read. The winners are then announced. Dinner is served,and then everyone dances the night away. Time flies when you'rehaving fun, and it is all over too soon.

    Top: Members of the Class of '94 posing for a group shot. (leftto right) John Smith , Rebecca O'Guinn, Nicole Short, AndyRingeisen, Gina Koch . John Rudolph , Mindy Eubanks. and KellyHuebner. Above: Andrea Bickell having some laughs with the 1991Naval Ball Queen, Lakisha Thompson.

  • 1992 Homecoming

    Below: (Left to Right) Rebecca OGuinn. Jamie Leporin . TlerrePrice. Melissa Tumbaugh.

    Virginia Mack. Michelle Cowins. Tara Campbell . Cameca Wright.Aintree Jones. Nichole


    Bottom Left: Tara Campbell. 1992-93 Homecoming Queen.

    Bottom Right: Senior Honor Guard hold their swords high asHomecoming Queen Tara

    Campbell walks through .

    Homecoming went off with a blast with the football team winninga heart-wrenching 21-20 against rival Vashon.

    The coronation started when the doors opened at 6:45 p.m. andeveryone came in dressed in their best. The guys looked great, andthe girls looked beautiful. The actual coronation began at 7:15p.m. after everyone took their seats in the auditorium.

    Senior-Becky O 'Guinn, Junior-Michelle Cowins, Sopho j 1more-Cameca Wright, and Freshman-Jamie Leporin were the HomecomingMaids. The runner-ups were Senior-Aintree Jones , Junior-MelissaTurnbaugh, Sophom*ore-Nichole McBee, and Freshman-Virginia Mack.

    Everyone waited as 1991 Queen. Tierre Price,crowned the newqueen, Tara Campbell. After the new queen took her seat. theentertainment and J dance took place.



  • Coronation Left: 1992 Queen Tara Campbell and her escort GregoryPatrick. Below: New Homecoming Queen sitting in her royal chairadmiring her beautiful roses with Gregory Patrick looking out intothe royal court.

    Left: 1991 Queen crowning the new Above: Miss Tara Campbellpreparing her Queen. Tara Campbell. banners for Homecoming.

  • Rebecca O'Guin, Senior Maid Michelle Cowins, Junior Maid

    Aintree Jones, Senior Runner-up escorted by LeCoy Dean MelissaTurnbaugh, 1st Runner-up Junior, escorted by Tori Mitchell

  • Cameca Wright Sophom*ore Maid Jamie Leporin , Freshman Maid

    Nichole McBee, 1st Runner-up Sophom*ore, escorted by KevinVirginia Mack, 1st Runner-up Freshman, escorted by Timothy SmithPribble

  • 1992 Parade

    Above: The volleyball team enjoying themselves in the parade.Far left: The winner of the unit display of 1992. Left: Mrs. Suttonwaving while MGYSGT Sutton drives his unit.

  • 1992 Pep Rally

    Left: Dr. Stumpe feeding Hambone while

    preparing to kiss it.

    Below: The cheerleaders showing their

    stuff at the pep rally .

    Far left: Cleveland Junior Naval Academy band waiting to play atthe pep rally. Left: The gathering of Juniors cheering forthekissing of the pig. Below: Fans waiting impatiently for the kissingof the pig.

  • On



    s P I a y

    THf NAVY ~\' . HEEDS YOUt"' . 'ON'T READ'" .

  • Rifle Team

    Row 1. I-r: CIEns Shauna Siggers, CDR; Jesse Hatcher, MiSun Cho,Ian Broz, Jennifer Wagner, Mark Politte, Matt CatarnichL WeylinHarris, C/CPO Brian Kuban, XO; Row 2, I-r: Alvin King, JaredEdwards, Ed Guebert, Phillip Kohlman, Dave Pallme, Becky O'Guinn,Michael Rudden, Joel Geoler, Jeremy Schleicher, Michael Christman;Row 3, I-r: Mark Christman, Joseph Heinkel, Ken McGhee, ClintonPrestenbach, Brian Hayes, Mike Kindle, Mike Smith, Michael Devaney,William Miller, Justin Shelton, Jason Hart; Row 4, I-r: MichaelWatts, Michael Dunn, Chief Owens, Sponsor, Bobby Polk, LaToyaMcGary, Eric Baebler, Kevin Wittis, Jonathan Allers.

    'Range Master, Dennis Eckhard says, "Preparation period hasDeandre Jones is shooting at his 30-foot target. now ended. Loadyour weapons and commence firing"

  • Alpha Company Platoon Commanders

    Front Row, I-r: C/LCDR

    James Bess, CDR; C/Ens

    Stacy Earll, C/Ens

    Romell, Whittaker/Ens

    Yvette Cash, C/Lt Craig

    Mueller, XO; Back Row,

    I-r; C/ Ens James Turn

    baugh, C/ Ens Desmond

    Dabney, C / Ltjg Alden


    Bravo Company Platoon Commanders

    Front Row: C/Lt Damon Nunn, XO; C/LCDR Scott Bohannon, CDR;Lett-Right: C/Ens Wanda Roberts, C/Ens John Elkins C/Ens KellyHuebner, C/Ens Melissa Turnbaugh C/Ens Sharvell Sykes, C/EnsLaShonda Brown.

  • Charlie Company Platoon


    Front: C/Lt Viengsavanh Vorachack, XO and CI LCDR Tamika Jordan,CDR; Row L I-r: c/crO David Dellerman, C/CrO Becky Thomas, c/CrOJessica Wills, C/crO Jennifer Armer; Row 2 , I-r: c / cro DarrenMorrison, c/CrO Joy Robinson, c/crO Tim T Tinejero; Row 3, I-r: c /CrO Jason Jeffries, c/cro Roderick Wilson , c/CrO Carlos Olds.

    Delta Company Platoon Commanders

    Front: C/Lt Monica Causey, XO and C/LCDR Tyra Nunn, CDR; Row 1,I-r: E/Ens Shauna Siggers, C/Ens Latasha Harris, C/Ens MiSun Cho,C/Ens Tierre rrice; Row 2 , I-r : C/Ens Vernon Brown, C/LtjgAnn-Jeannette Hardin, C/Ens Khalisha Savage, C/Ens Corey Bise,C/Ens Robert Bauer, C/Ens Kimberly Dunn, C/Ens Kevin Smith , C/EnsChristopher Banks.

  • Honor Guard

    The Honor Guard poses for pictures with the sponsor, MSgt. Roe.Above: Top Row I-r C/LtJg Alden Eggleston, C/ Lt Eric ford; Mid

    dle Row, I-r: C/ LCDR Craig Mueller, C/ LtJg Chad Bickell;Bottom Row, I-r: C/ LtJg Andrea Bickell. MSgt. Roe, C/CDR JasonWills,

    C/ CDR Scott Bohannon, C/Capt. Brian Price.

    Below Right: Honor Guard at the Homecoming game at RooseveltHigh 's field .

    Below Left: Honor Guard presents Michelle Cowins, one ofthecandidates for Homecoming Queen.

  • Alpha Company Color Guard

    Th !! A lph(l Com pa n y Col o r Guard is one o(th e most prestigious militoJ)' units at CJNA; they pe lionn at many c ivicflHKlions and paradeS, Ldt ~ighl: Sp on so r Mero Berry. (Ie DRMarold Moore. e / LeDR Tamiha Jordan; ( / ll Sandra Shipp. ( ! CDRShirley OilwOrth, ( i C DR JaSon Will s .

    Bravo Company Color Guard Th e Bra vo Compan y Co l or Guard isalso one of the most prestigious units at CJNA, and they perform almany

  • San Diego Trip

    Amy Leporlo and !'.dry 11uebncr pose for a friendly picturewhile on board ship in the San Diego Bay.

    The CJNA is welcomed 10 IIcu-r al Coronado I\mphibious JasonWills acts playfully In front of a Coast Guard rcS(:ucBasehclkoptcr.

  • Charleston Trip

    TriD.~ are a pan of life at CJNA ... mini-boot camps ami !rips10 Naval base.soccur every year. Thecad clS above are part of oneof theSe trips, this one to Charleston. They are forming up for anexperience In the wei tr\l iner.

    ;-- '1 ,,

    . . --J


    Mrs. Gibson. one o f the chaperones. and some cadets areconferring about som e o f the events laking pli1ce on the

    Stephanie Shanl\lln and Sherrell Sykes ilrc enjoying a t ime outwhUe on boilrd a sea cruise.

    cruise on this trio.

    , ,

  • Master At Arms

    Knee l ing: Mic hae l ~Iontgom CI). LanVicn "ham. Clint Ehler.Jonathan Allers; Row I . I-r: Se nior Chief Beyer; Amy Wells. JOShPennington. BeCky Cole man, Christy Alberino. Sh irelle Byrd, TimMe nnem eyer. Amy Lepori" , Hea tt'lu Haywood . Keesha Pelty,Sharon MarShall . Da mian Tabaka. LeeA nn ~l eCl ' lock, Oemel riusHudson; Row 2. H : Christine SchOne. Edward DU 9!l.c r , Brian Andr ews . Ileather Horton, Sandy Roark. Tony Bradshaw, Dennis Eckhard, Wesley PUts, KenOra Har' din, Phillip t\,ohlmann, AnthonySmith . JOhn Dettman; Row), Ir : Niclwle Short. Ivan Oasl0n. ~Ii chac\ t\,\ rk , Nathan Vanoe man, Cherlcc McKinney. Tiffany ~Iy e rs, JOhn McG h ee , Jeny Schl eic h er , ~llk e Rud o lph ." ~l a rkKrailtz. Sherrell Sykes. Jennifer Fin!lers: Row 4. H : Josh Cook,Zach Carruthers. Anthony Smith . Mike Danic11\, Si eve Moo re ,~1ike tl.indl e . Bridge\! Ewing. Jannal Finger. RusSell BOwen.Jennifer Smith; 1\0"' 5, H : Ken VOlk. Shaun Sc ruggs. JohnnieGroves. Der' ri ck Perkins . O li via Ad a m s, Takesha DaviS. FredWatford , ~li " e Klingeman. Samu el HemJ e,son, DanielHenderson.

    Ro\v 1 Ir: LCOR ~gg leston. spollso r: LanVien Pham. CO: J esseHa rc h e r . Mi Sun Ch O, Rebec ca Tho ma s. RetH' cc 3 CO l e m an . Char l es Guthri e. Shauna Siggers. XO. Row 2. I-r; JayRobinson . Darren Morrl son. Kennet h McGhee. Walter Sawicki.Nichole Short. Mark Raming. Tim Tinajero; Row), H , Mark Kraatz.MIChael Ru do lph . Michael Kind le. Alden Egg l es t o n JOhn Rudolph . Christoph er Ban kS. Roy Robin son , Kevin Smith Michae l renrose.


  • 50 Flags

    Row I. 'or: WarM Adams, 13n Brot. Christine 6urKf: . Reb~cc.aCOleman. Oamion Tabaka. ( ugene Morgan . Clarence While. NathanMoser. Deandra f o rland. U sa Tal e. ( Iill.on rn:m:h. Jessica(1"191( , l eeAnn Medlock. Salvador Tehndon. Adrian l aw, JaSOn6omorilo. JOhn Dellman; Row 2 . ' or: Brian Rothenburg. Wl':ylinHarris, Susan Gamache. Calina Smllh , Christy ( humic)', Rk;kyLiUlefieid . John Nonh . Han'cy Hines, Trina l1.ayntl. Milo.eRudmiln. Mll

  • Girls Drill Teams

    Ceole!: l .:;l CDR lY la Nuno. flonl Itow. Ir: Yo ll y Tetley.Rita Hill. I\onsmany uvanh Vor3chac... . Angela Zych ins"'i. lomlceHerring; 6a clo. Row . 1 , : NIC h OIC S hOr t. 6ridgcU twing. J oyRObi n son . 6e("'y Thomas. Melinda [ub3o"'s. ~endra Hardin.

    front Row. [., : C W04 Taylo r. Spon sor; Mi5u n Cho . RuthWhite. Cj t.tJg AnnJ eannCIle. H!lnJin . CO; Row 2. [., ; SharonMarshall . HC' trkc Rogers. f thet Mayweather ; Kow .}. I " TIITany~' eye rs. A !c ~l s j'Jna9io teris. Thea Ru sselL Nicol e. 5ta}'ten . l)QnnJ Lee.

    . ..--


  • Row 1, I-r: Latasha Harris, XO; Jackie Roberson , DanaDickerson, Vanessa Onkle, Angie Hardin, CO; Row 2, I-r: TamikaWheeler, Ariane Reddick, Janet Simmons, Melissa Bruder; Row 3, I-r:Jamie Durney, Holly Carollo, Kristina Keltz; Row 4, I-r: DanettaBrown, Airianna Rathert, Chandra Bradley; Row 5: CW04 Taylor.

    Angie Hardin consults with CW04 Taylor about her team.

    Nichole Short and Angie Zychinski march in sync at theHomecoming Parade.

  • Front Row, I-r: C/ U Alden Eggleston, CDR; Charlie Guthrie, TimTinajero, Darren Morrison, Mark Raming, John Rudolph ; Back Row,Jr: Greg Chandler, Robert Bauer, Corey Blse, Christopher Banks,Elihu Isele, Jason Jeffries, Mike Penrose.

    Front Row, I-r: C/ Ltjg Michael Endsley, CDR; Carlos Olds, ScottBohannon, Ivan Gaston, Demarcio Coleman, Ken McGhee; Back Row, I-r:Mike Rudolph , Mark - Kraatz, Roderick Wilson , Roy Robinson, MikeDanielli , Christopher Johnson.

    Boys Drill Teams

  • Front: Damon Nunn; Row 2, I-r: Jesse Hatcher. Jeremy Rogers,Darion Mitchell; Row 3 , I-r: Matt Catarnichi , Jason Hart. EricBaebler, Michael Devaney, BenJamin Randal. Astonio Tucker.

    Alden Eggleston at his best?

    Andrew Ringeison (front). Jason Jeffries and Alden Egglestonmarching in formation in the Homecoming Parade.


  • ROIN 1 David Berni, Percy Lee,

    Michael Pickell, Todd Robinson.

    Galen Taylor. Anthony Green. LaJuan

    Peppers. Brandon Miller, Robert

    Ullanlch. Clyde forland, Andre

    Johnson. Alvin KIng. Sherrell Sykes,

    Demond Harper, Coach Simmons.

    ROIN 2 Ed Williams. Randolph

    Thornton . Jermale Atkins, David

    Parker. DeJuan Nunn. COrey Phillips.

    Tory MitChelL Kenneth Green.

    Clarence Jordan. Cedric Washington.

    James Williams. Charles Perkins.

    David Hodges. Harvey Hinds. Steve

    Moore . ROIN 3- Ricky Thompson.

    Timothy Pribble. Richard WIlliams,

    A'Danlel Young. DeVaughn Jones.

    Tydarryl Gleason, Terence Davis.

    Gregory Patrick, Johnnie Groves,

    Anthony BrolNn, Marvell Kellum . Roben HOINard.

    Above Middle: Galen Taylor (3) makes the tackle as Todd Robinson(44), Robert UlIanlch (7) , and Gregory Patrick (74) pursue theplay. Above Right: Todd Robinson gets advice from defensive coachClifton Ray. Above Left: The offensive line blows out Claytondefense as Terence Davis prepares to make a hand-off.

  • The Football Commanders had a good season. With an overallrecord of 6-5 and an impressive league record of 5-1 , they broughthome the district title and a second place finish in the PHL. Bothrecords are for the second year. "They deserve all the credit inthe world ," is what Head Coach George Simmons says of the team. Hefeels especially close to the seniors and spoke of theirdedication, hard work and leadership, "Out of 10 seniors, sevenstarted both offensively and defensively, so credit is definitelydue."

    Senior Captain Galen Taylor said, '" I think we did all right.and so do a lot of the other players. There are some who feel wecould have done better, and I agree, but I'll settle for what wegot." We have to agree as this was a rebuilding year for theCommanders.

    After the season ended, the coaches of the PHL teams met to votefor the PHL AIIStar Team. Results were favorable for Cleveland - 6made the first team, .3 the second tam, and 9 received honorablemention.

    First team membe r s were: Seniors, Michael Wilder (RB) , ToddRobinson (P, PK) , Galen Taylor (DB); Juniors, Jermale Atkins (OG,DT). Randolph Thornton (OT); Sophom*ore, Kenneth Green (WR). Secondteam members were: Seniors, Michael Wilder (LB) and Demond Harper(C) and Junior, Randolph Thornton (DE) . Honorable Mention memberswere : Seniors , Kenneth Green, Gregory Patrick, Todd Robinson, andCedric Washington; Juniors, Clyde Forland, Steven Moore and LaJuanPeppers.


    Above: Todd Robinson goes to the bench for a breather afterscoring a touchdown. Be

    low right: Randolph Thornton (90) tackles a Clayton running backwhile Galen Taylor (.3)


    Below left: Senior players: (Row 1, I-r) Gregory Patrick, CedricWashington, Galen Taylor,

    Anthony Green, Todd Robinson; (Row 2, I-r) Demond Harper. AndreJohnson, Brandon

    Miller, David Parker, Alvin King. Not pictured: MichaelWilder.


  • Football

    N.J.R.O. T.C VS Opponent 22 Clayton 6

    6 Berkeley 31 8 Parkway North 48 o Sumner 46

    12 Troy 19 22 Gateway 0 13 Roosevelt 6

    21 Vashon 20 31 Beaumont 14 2 Southwest 0

    2 Jennings 22 Class 4A State Playoffs Overall record = 6 - 5League record = 5 - 1 - denotes District Playoffs

    Left: (85) Corey Phillips approaches

    Clayton 's Damon Tatum (6) ready to

    make the tackle.

    Below left: (16) Kenneth Green stitT-arms

    a Vashon player to pick up extra yards

    while teammates Tydarryl Gleason (left)

    and Jermale Atkins (55) block for him.

    Below Right: Commanders defense is

    preparing to shut Clayton down once


  • Below: Tina Edwards, Heather Horton, Regina Koch, Maria Cain,Amy Wells, Pamela Hicks, Jannai Finger. LaToya Walker, and JessicaWills sit in the stands supporting their team.

    Below: Cherice Walker, Regina Koch, Maria Cain, Jannai Finger,Heather Haywood, and LaToya Walker rooting their team on tovictory.

    Right: Cheerleaders yelling and shouting came through as theteam defeated the Gateway Jaguars 22-0.

    Below Right: Jannai Finger, Latoya Walker, Maria Cain, andHeather Haywood try to pep up the crowd at Homecoming.


  • I Softball I

    Above left: The team celebrated after a win . (I'r) LeAnneMedlock, Heather Horton, Rachel Pfeil , Michelle Cowins, LomiceHerring, Lisa Clay, Julliette Douglas, Olivia Adams, Monica Causey,Shirell Byrd, Melissa Turnbaugh and Coach Sutton. Above right: thedugout watches for the BIG HIT. Left: Hit the ball, Shireli! Above:Julliette Douglas coaches Olivia Ad ams at first base.

  • VolleyballI I



    - .

    ; " .


    Above right: (Row 1) Tayona Smith, Glynnetta Chancellor, TammyGentry (Captain). (Row 2) Catina Smith, Jennifer Smith , ElizabethHunt, Sparkle Thornton; (Row 3) Aintree Jones (Captain). DanaHarris, Thelma North; Not pictured - Becky O 'Guinn, NiekinaRansom, Una Gross, Above left: Tayona Smith waits to assist asElizabeth Hunt bumps the ball. Above: Thelma North uses an overhandserve, Right: Aintree Jones " digs" the ball.

  • Boys Basketball

  • opposite page , Top: Seated: Shemelle Davis, scorekeeper;Kneeling: Roy Hogan. Kevin Benford . Marquis Avant. Rico Watkins. O.J . Brown . Jemale Warren , LaRon Turnage; Standing: CameronFountain, Keith George . Chris West, LaJuan Peppers, TerrenceDavis. Charles Perkins, Ran' dolph Thornton. Rico Hill, CoachNewell.

    opposite page, Bottom Right: Cameron Fountain hits a big one;Bottom Left: Terrence Davis tries to make a basket as Keith Georgewaits for the rebound.

    Left: Cameron Fountain flies through the air as Charles Perkinsand O .J . Brown look on.

    Below Right: Marquis Avant tries for a basket. Below Left: O.J .Brown reaches for the ball.

  • Girls Basketball

  • opposite Page, Top: Kneeling Cazatra Cain , Niekina Ransom,Janell Thompson (Co-Captain), Chequera Jones; Middle: CassandraWalker, Joy Royston, Shirelle Byrd, Stephanie Ramey, SharondaMcDowelL Coach Kelley.

    Back Row: Derrick Farris (Assistant Coach), Aintree Jones(Captain), Michelle Cowins (Captain) , Tayona Smith , JawanaMorehouse, Olivia Adams (Co-Captain).

    Opposite, Bottom left: Janell Thompson has a chance for abasket; Bottom right: Janell Thompson has another chance for abasket.

    Left: Stephanie Ramey goes for a big one as Shirelle Byrd andAintree Jones wait to assist; Below left; Coach Kelley makes adecision about the game; Below right: Michelle Cowins and OliviaAdams work under the basket.




    Abshire, Roy 49

    Ackerman, Christopher 61

    Acton, Alvin 35

    Adams, Arthur 61

    Adams, Craig 18

    Adams, Daleon 61, 87

    Adams, Olivia 35, 112, 113,

    124, 129

    Adams, Wayne 49, 113

    Ahrens, Phillip 61

    Akins, Kristina 61

    Alberino, AJanda 61

    Alberino, Christy 92, 112

    Alicea, Moses 61

    Allan, Jarmaine 18, 61

    Allers, Jonathan 14, 112

    Almas, Shaun 61

    Alvey, Eric 61, 85

    Almons, Will 35

    Andell, Jonpatrick 35

    Andell, Michael 61

    Anderson, Bennie 49

    Anderson, Gerald 67, 79

    Anderson, Jerome 49

    Anderson, Rachel 49

    Anderson, Shane 49

    Andre, Ailee 35

    Andre, William 49

    Andrews, Brian 18,112

    Armbruster, Arthur 35

    Armer, Jennifer 8, 49, 107

    Atkins, JemIe 3, 35, 8~,

    92, 120, 122

    Atkinson, Edward 61

    Audrain, Cathy 6

    Austin, Joseph 49

    Avant, Marquis 35, 89, 127

    Bacon, Marquita 61, 113

    Baebler, Eric 61, 105, 114

    Balven, Frank 18

    Banks, Christopher 35, 101,

    112, 116

    Barber, Kil 5,6

    Barnhart, Alan 35

    Barro, Adam 61, 113

    Bass, Yarvette 61

    Bates, Andrea 49

    Battle, Lavanche 61

    Bauer, Robert 2, 35, 107, 116

    Beasley, Eric 49

    Belt, Jon 49

    Benford, Donald 35

    Benford, Kevin 35, 127

    Bennett, Percy 61

    Benson, David 35

    Benson, Javonna 15, 18

    Berkley, Daniel1e 15, 18, 84

    Bernard, Terrance 61

    Berni, David 61, 120

    Berry, Earl 2, 77, 95, 109

    Bess, Heather 6

    Bess, James 15, 84, 118

    Betts, Aaron 61

    Beyer, Brian 77, 112

    Bickell, Andrea 14, 18, 27,

    58, 84, 97, 108

    Bickell, Chad 15, 18, 26,

    96, 108

    Bickell, Donald 80

    Bickley, E. 49

    Birton, Michael 35

    Bise, Corey 35, 116

    Bishop, Aaron 49

    Bishop, Brian 35

    Bishop, Lisa 61

    Bitter, Jason 49

    BlaSSingame, Dennis 35, 113

    Bloodworth, Shannon 35

    Bobbish, Ronnie 61

    Bockenholt, Cheryl 36

    Bohannon, Scott 36, 46, 92,

    93, 99, 109, 116

    Bolden, DOlingo 36

    Bomarito, Jason 61, 113

    Bomarito, Michael 49

    Booker, Antoine, 49

    Bouie, Mercelline 75, 89

    Bowen, Chad 49

    Bowen, Russell 49, 112

    Bowers, Rachel 49, 61

    Boyd, Brian 61

    Boyd, Mark 44 9

    Boyd, Quintina 61

    Boyd, Tor ree 5

    Bradley, Chandra 61, 115

    Branch, Kenneth 36

    Branch, Zakee 61, 85

    Bralton, Damond 36

    Breclaw, John 66, 74

    Brewington, Willie 49

    Brewster, Glynnis 70

    Brinkley, Marcus 61

    Brockschlitt, Debbie 78

    Brockett, William 49

    Brooks, Joseph 49

    Brown, Anthony 120

    Brown, Danetta 61, 115

    Brown, Denise 36, 42, 92

    Brown, Lamont 36

    Brown, LaShonda 5, 46, 106

    Brown, Orlando 18, 27, 85,


    Brown, Richard 49

    Brown, Shacrieta 49

    Brown, Thayor 61

    Brown, Thelia 61

    Brown, Tracy 36

    Brown, Travis 61, 70

    Brown, Vernon 36, 107

    Broz, I 61, 105, 113

    Bruchner, Aly 61

    Bruder, Melissa 61, 115

    Brumit, Robert 18

    Brunt, Justina 61

    Brush, Wi 11 iall! 76

    Bryant, Kimberly 49

    Bryant, Shamarla 61

    Buechel, Frank 36

    Bundren, Nancy 78

    Bunting, Erica 61

    Burke, Christine 61, 113

    Borns, Kilberly 61

    Burrow, Wonyelle 36

    Butler, Brandy 36

    Butler, Nichelle 62

    Byrd, Shirelle 8, 44, 46,

    112, 124, 129

    cCage, Christopher 49 Cain, Cazatra 62, 129 Cain, Karia 49,123

    Caldwell, Vaudra 75

    Campbell, Craig 62

    Calpbell, Daryk 62, 113

    Campbell, LaShanda 9, 18

    Calpbell, Mary Ann 74

    Campbell, Richard 56

    Campbell, Tara 10, 14, 18,

    26, 95, 98, 99

    Cannida, Kylon 56

    Carollo, Holly 62, 115

    Carroll, Lori 62

    Carruthers, Zachariah 50,


    Carter, Christina 9, 18

    Carter, Timothy 62

  • Cash, Yvette 10, 11, 18, 95 Cunninghal, Donald 37 Dunn, Michael63 Castro, Diana 10, 73 Curry, Mattie 62 Dunn, Stephanie 50Catarnichi, Matthew 62, lOS Dunnell, Ellen 73, 92

    117 Dabner, Julian 63 Durbin, Kimberly 63 Causey, Monica 3, 8,IS, 18, Dabney, Desmond 15, 19, 58 Durham, Kent 63

    27,107,124 Daly, Amy 62 Dyer, Cynthia 63 Challers, Oashan 73Dampier, Donisha 37 Chambers, Vincent 70 Danielli, Michael 50, 116Earll, Stacey 19, 106 Chancellor, Glynnetta IS, Daniels, Connie37

    P Eastling, Derrick 50

    18, 125 Daniels, Constance 73 Eckhard, Dennis 50, 105,112Chandler, Craig 46, 116 Davidson, James 50 Eddington, James 63Chandler, Jermail 50 Davis, Barton 74 Edwards, Jared 63, 105Cheney, Timothy 62 Davis, Dorienne 63 Edwards Jeremiah 63 Cherry,Peter 50 Dav is, Darrell 50 Edwards, Michael 70 Cho, MiSun 8, 37,92, 105, Davis, Jonathan 63 Edwards, Nakia 38, 85

    107, 112, 114 Davis, Karey 50 Edwards, Shalonda 46 Cho, Tomi 62Davis, Kneeshe 63, 70, 112 Edwards, Spencer 19 Christian, Mark 62,105, 113 Davis, Natoshia 63 Edwards, Tina 123 Christman, Michael62, 105, Davis, Reginale 50 Eggleston, Alden 19, 106,

    113 Davis, Shawn 50 108, 112, 116, 117 Chumley, Christy 62, 113Davis, Shemelle 37, 127 Eggleston, Roll in 77, 112 Clampitt, Amy 37Davis, Takiesha 37 Eichhorn, Robert 73 Clark, Darrick 62 Davis,Terence 9, 37, 120, Elder, Clinton 14, 19, 112 Clark, Tequana 62122, 127 Elkins, John 2, 3, 38, 92, Clark, Theresa 6, 46, 92 Davis,William 63 93, 106 Clay, Lisa 37, 58, 124 Dawson, Aaron 19Ellebracht, Donna 75, 88 Clouse, Jeremy 18 Day, Angela 37 Elliot,Jermaine 63 Cole, Cortez 37, 38 Deal, Shaun 63 Elswick, Angelina 89Cole, Tamara 62 Dean, Lecoy 9,37,100 Eaily, Joseph 51 Coleman,Alexander 46 Dean, Relia 63 Endsley, Michael 38, 116 Coleman,Demarcio 37, 85, 116 Dellerman, David 50 Engel, Jessica 63, 113Coleman, Katrina 62 Deloach, Steven 79 Ervin, George 19 Coleman,Michael 37, 50 DeMay, Melissa 37 ESlon, Michael 20 !Coleman,Rebecca 8, 50, 112, DeNeal, Ken 73 Eubanks, Mindy 51, 97, 114 i113Dettman, John 37, 112, 113 Ewing, Bridget 51, 112, 114 COlbs, Danny9, 56 Devaney, Michael 63, 117 Combs, Edmund 50 Dickerson, Dana 63,liS Fair, Diane 51 Conrad, Tony 62 Dickson, Mark 19 Fair, Tequan 38I Cook, Daniel Ie 62, 85 Dilworth, Shirley 10, 14, 19, Farr,Anthony 20 If

    l ~

    Cook, Joe 9, 50, 112 26, 58, 92, 93, 95, 109 Farris, Derrick 129I

    Cook, Terez 18 Faulkner, Michael 51 Cooper, John 4 Dixon, James63 Fedak, Russell 76 Cooper, Sarah 50, 88 Dodson, Michael 63Federhofer, Katherine 20 Corder, David 62 Donnelly, James 79Ferguson, Dewon 63 Corley, Gerald 62 Dortch, Dalon 3, 14, 19, 87,Fields, Lawrence 77 Cotton, Tiana 50 92 Finch, Prentis 63 Cowins,Michelle 36, 37, 42, Douglas, Julliette 19, 95, 124 Fingers, Jannai112, 123

    85, 92, 98, 100, 106, Doyle, Angela 63 Fingers, Jennifer 38, 112108, 124, 129 Driskell, MichaeliS, 19, 84 Finley, W. 51, 88

    Crawford, Carlen 62 Drown, Scott 63 Flood, Ganga 63 Crawford,Iran 18 Duckworth, Lakesha 63 Foote, Michael 56 Crisp, SUlmer 62Dugger, Edward 37, 112 Ford, Eric 2, 14, 15, 20, Croxton, Walter 37Dumey, Jamie 63, liS 26, 108 Crusoe, Latasha 37 Dunn, Kilberly 38Ford, Kenneth 51

    1 "7

  • Ford, Sharmal 20

    Forland, Clyde 38, 92, 120

    Forland, Deondra 51, 113

    Fortson, Lillar 75

    Fountain, Cameron 46, 92,


    Fountain, Thelma 79

    Fowler, Nichole 51

    Fox, Baki 51

    Franklin, Bryan 63

    Fraizer, Elmus 63

    Frazier, Darren 46

    Freeman, Dyai 6

    Freeman, Maurie 38

    French, Clifton 51, 113

    Fuchs, V. 51

    Funkhouser, Christopher 51

    Furlong, Jeffrey 51 f(Furlow, Lemashay 63

    Furman, Billy 63

    c; Gains, Michael 51 Galloway, Betty 2, 75 Gamache, Michael 63,113

    Gamache, Susan 3, 113

    Gardner, Erica 70

    Gaston, Ivan 51, 112, 116

    Gentry, Tammy 38, 125

    Geoler, Joel 105

    George, Keith 20, 127

    George, Melssa 63

    Georger, Joann 51

    Gerik, John 63, 113

    Gerrein, Jessica 8, 38

    Gerrein, Julia 63

    Gianino, Christine 20

    Giannas, Emmanuel 63

    Gibson, M. JoAnn 74, 88

    Gibson, Mindy 20

    Gillespie, Donald 63

    Gleason, Tydarryl 38, 120, 122

    Glenk, Loretta 63

    Glenk, Raymond 38

    Goehler, Joel 63

    Grabowski, John 51

    Graddy, Jason 64

    Grandberry, Carl 51

    Grant, Greg 2, 39, 92, 93

    Green, Anthony 20, 120, 121

    Green, Earl 51

    Green, James 64

    Green, Kenneth 51, 120, 122

    Green, L. 64

    Green, Neville 51, 88

    Green, Rita 74

    Greene, Douglas 64

    Griffin, Julia 64

    Grosberg, Anne 73

    Gross, Una 64

    Grossmann, Matt 39

    Grove, Lonnie 20

    Groves, Johnnie 39, 112, 120

    Guebert, Edwin 64, 105

    Guerin, Andrea 51, 88

    Guthrie, Charles 56, 112

    Guyton, Keisha 51

    Hacker, Herbert 2, 7, 79

    Hair, George 77

    Hairston, Carlon 70

    Haliburton, Lawrence 51

    Hall, Jennifer 64

    Hall, Keyona 64

    Halloran, Dan 75

    Hambone 103

    Hamilton, Rhonda 64

    Hamison, Saluel 65

    Hallond, Aaron 39

    Hampel, Henry 78

    Hanco*ck, Berry 51, 89

    Hardin, Ann-Jeannette 39,

    92, 93, 107, 114, 115

    Hardin, Kendra 51, 114

    HargiS, Martha 76

    Harper, Delond 120, 121

    Harris, Corey 64

    Harris, Dana 64, 125

    Harris, Demarco 64

    Harris, James 64

    Harris, Latasha 39, 115

    Harris, Latonia 64, 107

    Harris, Mark 64

    Harris, Weylin 64, 105, 113

    Harrison, Cedric 87

    Harrison, Shedrick 39

    Hart, Jason 64, 105, 117

    Hatcher, Jesse 64, 105, 112,


    Hathaway, Nicho1e 39, 85

    Havey, Shawn 51, 88

    Hayes, Brian 70, 105

    Haynes, Kekia 20

    Baynes, Trina 64, 113

    Haywood, Heather 112, 123

    Hedrick, Steven 20

    Heinkel, J. 64, 113

    Hell ems, Delore.s 64

    Hemphill, Leandrea 20, 27

    Henderson, Daniel 39, 112

    Henderson, Roger 51, 88

    Henderson, Samuel 39, 112

    Henry, Ryan 52

    Herrick, Shawn 64

    Herring, Larnice 5, 14, 20,

    114, 124

    Hester, Katwon 9, 52

    Hicks, Irwin 76

    Hicks, Jerome 39

    Hicks, Paljernicki 52, 88,


    Higgins, Alisha 64

    Higgins, Jerone 39

    Higgins, Terrance 53

    Higgins, Timothy 65, 113

    Hill, Jill 39

    Hill, Rico 127

    Hill, Rita 56, 96, 114

    Hilliard, Fredrick 65

    Hillman, Robert 39

    Hinds, Judith 74, 96

    Bines, Granada 65

    Hines, Harvey 52, 113, 120

    Bodge, Angie 20

    Hodges, David 120

    Hogan, Lawrence 52, 85

    Hogan, Roy 127

    Hol1owood, Vanessa 20

    Hood, Danielle 65

    Booker, Michael 6

    Hopgood, Melita 46

    Horton, Heather 52, 112, 123

    Hoskins, Antwaun 70

    Howard, Carol 74

    Howard, Derek 52

    Howard, James 46

    Howard, Robert 65, 120

    Howell, Alexander 52

    Hudson, Demetrius 39

    Hudson, Robert 65

    Huebner, Kelly 39, 92, 97,

    106, 110

    Hughes, Elisah 21, 27

    Hughes, Jennifer 39

    Hughes, Kwasi 39

    Hughes, Theotris 74

    Hunt, Anthony 15, 21, 39, 87

    Bunt, Elizabeth 65, 125

    Huskey, Laori 21

    Hutchinson, LaQuan 39, 113

    Huynh, Hung 65

  • 1IhIlS, Scott 40 Irons, Edward 65, 87 Irving, Corey 65 Isele,Elihu 46, 116

    Israel, Ebony 52

    r JaCkSOn, D. 52

    Jackson, Elmer 40, 109

    Jackson, Jennifer 75

    Jackson, Karllonn 21

    Jackson, Michael 38

    Jacques, Mabel 73

    Jakoubek, Jason 65

    James, Charles 46, 89

    James, Howard 52

    James, Kimberly 40, 46

    James, Ramone 52

    Jarmon, Donna 52

    Jeffries, Jason 52, 107,

    116, 119

    Jerrod, Herman 65

    Jinson, Robbie 65

    Johnson, Andre 120, 12 I

    Johnson, Celisha 65, 85

    Johnson, Christopher, 52,

    56, 116

    Johnson, Damon 70

    Johnson Deandre 65

    Johnson, James 2, 15

    Johnson, Jasline 65

    Johnson, Jerrell 52, 88

    Johnson, Latasha 40

    Johnson, Melissa 71

    Johnson, Mi chael 65

    Johnson, Rodney 52, 58

    Johnson, Tiffany 14

    Johnston, Scott 65

    Jones, Aintree 21, 27, 98,

    100, 125, 129

    Jones, Angela 40, 58

    Jones, Chequera 52, 129

    Jones, D. 105

    Jones, Derrick 21

    Jones, Devaughn 52, 120

    Jones, Marlon 65

    Jones, Rosalyn 96

    Jones, Samantha 65

    Jordan, C. 52, 120

    Jordan, Tamika 15, 21, 95,

    107, 109

    Jost, Jesse 74, 84

    Joy, Arlisha 65

    Katzenberger, Al 68 , 73

    Kautter, Ki rk 52

    Kayser, 14, 21, 84

    Kedro, Robert 71

    Keely, D. 40, 87

    Keiser, Gary 71

    Kelley, John 79, 129

    Kellum, Marvell 40, 120

    Keltz, Kristina 65, 115

    Kent, M. 52

    Keppler , Charles 52

    Kerlagon, Brian 65

    Ketcherside, Melissa 40

    Key, Daveta 52

    Kiefer, Randy 56

    Kightlinger, Terry 80

    Kindle, Michael 52, 105, 112

    King, Alvin 105, 113, 120

    King, Laticha 65

    Kinkade, Michael 65

    Kirk, Lakesha 40, 89

    Kirk, Michael 52, 112

    Klein, Pamela 78

    Kl ingbe11, Pau 1 65

    Klingemann, Michael 46

    Koch, Regina 40, 97, 109, 123

    Koeneman, Adam 65

    Kohlman, P. 65, 105, 112

    Kolb, Angela 21

    Korte, J. 40

    Kraatz, Mark 56, 112, 116

    Kuban, Bryan 40, 105

    Laden, Shenitha 21, 84

    Lamping, Jason 21, 84

    Lamping, Matthew 52

    Laster, Gerald 85

    Lava1ais, Thomas 47

    Law, Adrian 65, 113

    Leahart, Desiree 65

    Lee, Albert 52

    Lee, Donna 40, 114

    Lee, Joseph 52

    Lee, Percy 53, 120

    Lenard, Demetrius 65

    Lentz, Eric 21

    Leporin, AlY 8, 40, 110,


    Leporin, Jamie 65, 98,


    Lewis, E. 65

    Lewis, LaToya 53

    Lewis, Lavon 65

    Lewis, Michael 65

    Lines, Donald 21

    Littlefield, Rickey 65, 113

    Lofton, Kizzie 65

    Love, J. 65

    Lowe, K. 65

    Lucious, Datra 66

    Lunn, Kam illa 14, 21, 84

    McBee, Nichole 53, 98, 101

    McCain, Shirley 78. McCarter, Barbara 53

    McCarty, Bronshay 22

    McCombs, Arlena 22

    McCormick, Teresa 66

    McDaniels, Shawn 66

    McDonald , Antoinettia 47

    McDonald, Charles 53

    McDonald, Corey 66

    McDonald, Syn 66

    McDowell, Shondra 66, 129

    McElmurry, Darryl 66

    McFarland, Daniel 47

    McGary, LaToya 47, 105

    McGee, Alfredo 66

    McGee, Sherrod 66

    McGhee, John 53, 105, 112,


    McGi 11, Bryan 22

    McGuire, Patricia 76

    McIntire, Richard 22

    McKinney, Cherice 53, 112

    McMi 11 an, Anthony 66

    McNeal, Sandra 76

    Mack, Virginia 66, 98, 101

    Macklin, John 53

    Malone, Erin 22

    Manning, Christopher 53

    Marr, Ariana 66

    Marshall, Janice 22

    Marshall, Sharon 41, 89, 112,


    Marshall, Tenille 66

    Martin, Bryan 6

    Martin, Robert 74

    Martin, Vernon 66

    Martin, William 40

    Martin, Yolanda 66

    Mauldin, Albert 22

    Mayweather, Ethel 53, 114

    Mayweather, Melinda 66

  • Mazdra, Daniel 53 Nicholson, Harry 67 Phillips, James 67Medlock, LeeAnn 47, 89, 113, Nicholson, Judy 76 Picard, Richard67

    124 Niemann, Scott 41, 92 Pickett, Michael 42, 120 Mennelleyer,Tim 41, 112 Nikolaisen, Carisa 53 Pitts, Wesley 53 Merriweather, T.41 North, John 41, 113 Politte, Mark 67, 105 Mershon, Leonard 2, 79North, Thelma 67, 125 Polk, Bobby ' 9, 53, 85, Metz, Christopher 22Null, Michael 67 105 Meyers, Tiffany 53, 112, 114 Nunn, Damon 117Polk, Orlando 23 Miller, Brandon 120, 121 Nunn, D'juan 41, 47, 120Potts, Angie 23 Miller, Ernest 66 Nunn, Tyra 22, 114 Powell, A. 67Miller, LaTonya 41 Power, Denyel 53 Mill e r , Wi II i am 56, 105Pratt, Danye11a 15, 23, 26 Kitchell, Darion 66, 117 O'Guin, Rebecca15, 22, Pratt, William 56 Mi tchell, Jerole 66 97, 98, 100, 105Press, Victor 75 Mitchell, Lakisha 53 O'Kelley, Willie 67Prestenbach, Clinton 67, 105 Mitchell, Tori 53, 100, 120 Olds,Carlos 2, 53, 107 Pribble, Tim 67, 101, 120 Moeser, Nathan 66, 113Oldenburg, Eric 17 Price, Brian 10, 14, 23, 26, Moffitt, Jermaine66 O'Neil, Veronica 74 58, 84, 105 Mollett, James 41 Onkle, Vanessa67, 115 Gretchen 42Price, Montgomery, Markeith 53 Orlando, Jamie 67Price, Jimmy 54 Montgomery, Michael 21, 86, Ovens, Glenn 3, 76, 92Price, Terrance 54

    87, 112 Owens, Jales 77, 105 Price, Tierre 42, 98, 107, Moore,Christopher 66 109

    Moore, Harold 14, 22, 26, Probst, Timothy 42

    27, 109 Paille, David 67, 105 Puckett, Kyle 47, 106 Moore, Steve41, 112, 120 Palmer, Marius 71 Purdy, Greg 3, 23, 92, 93 Moore,Talara 41 Panagiotaras, Alex 8, 53, Moore, Terry 56, 85 114fMoore,Tori Shannon 41, 47 Parker, Ashun 67 Rahmoeller, Steven 67Morehouse, Jarvanda 9, 67, Parker, David 23, 120 Rainey, Angela67

    129 Parson, John 77 Rai the1, Kevin 42 Morgan, Eugene 67, 113Parson, Robert 41 Ramey, Stephanie 36, 42, 92, Morgan, William 67Paschen, Cory 41 93, 129 Morrison, Darren 53, 107, Patrick, Gregory23, 99, Raling, Mark 112

    112, 116 120, 121 Randall, Benjamin 67, 117 Mosely, Marvin 78Paol, Theresa 75 Ranson, Niekena 67, 129 Mos s, D. 41 Payne, Robert23 Rathert, Airiana 67, 115 Mueller, Craig 10, 15, 22, Pearson,Brian 53 Raven, Reginald 71

    106, 108 Pennington, Joshua 56, 112 Ray, Clifton 120 Mullins,Teve 67 Penrose, It 41, 112 TamikaRayborn, 23 Murphy, Michelle 67Peppers, LaJuan 42, 120, Raymond, Heather 23, 26

    127 Raymond, Kirk 54 Perkins, Charles 42, 58, Reddick, Ariane67, 115

    arez, Elton 41, 92 120, 127 Redmond, V. 54 Nash, Joann 53, 85,88 Perkins, Derek 42, 87, 112 Reed, David 54 Nash, Leander 53Peters, Gary 42 Reed, Karen 67!ff:Nash, Lucy 53, 89 Petty, Keesha53, 112 Reed, Melvin 67 Naylor, Thenarda 67 Petty, Tracey 67Reeves, Adam 67, 87 Nebl'ock, Jason 53 Pfefferkorn, Sandra 73Reynolds, Michael 67, 71 Nesser, Jason 4 Pham, Lanvien 5, 8, 42,112 Rhimes, Elbert 67 Nettles, Rochelle 41 Pheil, Rachel 71, 124Rhodes, Korey 67 Nevell, Ron 73, 127 Phillips, Brad 42 Richard,Dennis 67 Newsome, Clark 67 Phillips, Corey 53, 120, 122Richardson, Corey 67 Nguyen, Ngocthuy 4 Phillips, Ivory 53Richardson, N. 54

  • Richmond, Cleo 43, 97

    Rickard, Jamie 71

    Ringeison, Andrew 43, 97

    Roark, Sandy 54, 112

    Robbin, Carmen 54

    Roberson, Jackie 67, 112

    Roberts, Shonda 78

    Roberts, Wanda 43, 85, 89

    Robertson, Amanda 67

    Robinson, Brian 67

    Robinson, G. 43

    Robinson, Joy 54, 112, 114

    Robinson, Kandice 67

    Robinson, Kenneth 43, 92, 93

    Robinson, Ronald 43

    Robinson, Roy 56, 112

    Robinson, S. 43

    Robinson, Todd 11, 15, 23,

    26, 120, 121, 123

    Robinson, Tyrone 54

    Rodger, Hertrice 54, 114

    Rodgers, JerelY 67, 117

    Rodgers, Terron 67

    Roe, Willie 5, 77, 108

    Ros s, Scott 68

    Roth, Jacob 68

    Rothenburg, Bryan 68, 113

    Rowley, Chad 68

    Royston, Faith 43

    Royston, Joy 47, 96, 129

    Rudden, Michael 88, 89, 105,

    112, 113

    Rudolph, John 43, 97, 112

    Rudol ph, Mi chael 54, 112

    Ruffin, Andre 47

    Rikcic, A. 43

    Rulo, Robert 23

    Russell, Amber 71

    Russell, Thea 43, 114

    Sanchez, Andrew 6

    Sanchez, Jennifer 8, 54

    Sanchez, Jessie 10, 23

    Sanders, Kimberly 54

    Sandoval, Anthony 23

    Sandre11, Kenneth 68

    Sashankar, Michael 68

    Savage, Khalisha 5, 43, 89,


    Savage, Rasheed 43

    Sawicki, Walter 54, 88, 112

    Scales, Rose 54, 89

    Schneider, Christopher 23

    Schleicher, Jeremy 56, 105,


    Schlemmer, Raymond 43

    Schone, Christine 8, 24, 112

    Schulte, Keith 4

    Scruggs, Cortina 71

    Scruggs, Shaune 112

    Seals, Eric 68

    Sederes, Robert 68, 113

    Shackleford, Betty 74

    Shaffer, Shaun 68

    Shanklin, Stephanie 47, 111

    Sharp, Ralph 68

    Shaw, Clifton 54

    Shelley, Isis 43, 85

    Shelton, Justin 68, 105

    Shelton, Kenneth 68

    Shelton, Mischa 68

    Shipp, David 54

    Shipp, Sandra 8, 14, 15,

    24, 26, 109

    Short, Nichole 59, 97,

    112, 114, 115

    Shumpert, Christine 56

    Siebert, Dave 6

    Siggers, Shauna 47, 105,

    107, 109, 112

    Silmons, Janet 68, 115

    Simpson, Charles 43, 54

    Simpson, Chastity 85

    Simpson, Terrance 9, 38,

    43, 87

    Sims, LaTonya 71

    Simms, Patricia 24

    Slayden, Nicole 8, 54,


    Sma 11, H. 68

    Smith, Anthony 54, 112

    Smith, Antoine 54

    Smith, Barry 68

    Smith, Cassandra 68

    Smith, Catherine 68

    Smi th, Catina 68, 113, 125

    Smith, Dawn 68

    Slith, Janet 43, 58

    Slith, Jennifer 54, 58,

    112, 113, 125

    Smith, Kevin 44, 101, 107,


    Smith, Lashanda 44

    Slith, Mark 69

    Slith, Michael L. 69, 105

    Sli th, Mi chael T. 69

    Slith, Niquiste 24

    Slith, Roger 69

    Smith, Shamika 44

    Smith, T'Sheka 69

    Slith, Tayona 44, 125, 129

    Slith, Timothy 44

    Sneed, Rae 75

    Sobocinski, Stephen 69

    Solis, Hector 69

    Somerville, Monica 69

    Spencer, Rhea 54

    Spieker, Jason 69

    Spratt, Tanya 54

    Springer, Tiffany 44

    Stanley, Carl 54, 88, 89

    Stanburry, Marquis 69

    Staton, Rhonda 5, 74, 86

    Stayton, Kim 24, 26

    Stevens, Lawrence 44

    Stewart, Salual 54, 87

    Stratton, Marion 54

    Strauss, David 73

    Strayhorn, Lola 74

    Strickland, Jahune 44, 92

    Stringfellow, T. 71

    Stroup, Roy 73

    Stumpe, Richard 2, 79, 103

    Sutton, Edward 3, 77, 81,

    102, 113, 124

    Sweeney, James 9, 56

    Sweeney, Jeremy 69

    Sykes, Sharmell 47, 106,

    111, 112, 120

    Sykes, Sharvell 9, 44

    'fTabaca, D. 54, 112, 113

    Tate, Lisa 55, 113

    Taylor, Adrienne 44

    Taylor, Bernard 24

    Taylor, Galen 24, 27, 120,


    Taylor, James 77, 115

    Taylor, Latroy 69

    Temple, Robert 55

    Tetley, Polly 55, 114

    Terhendon, Salvador 69

    Thomas, DeAnthony 44

    Thomas, J. 44

    Thomas, Michael 69

    Thomas, Rebecca 55, 107,


    Thomas, Rick 69

    Thompson, Janel 55, 129

    Thompson, Lakisha 97

  • Thompson, Philip 56

    Thompson, Rickey 114, 120

    Thomson, James 79

    Thornton, Lisa 45

    Thornton, Randolph 45, 120,

    121. 127

    Thornton, Rhonda 24

    Thornton, Sparkle 55, 125

    Thurman, Tina 45

    Tilson, Jennifer 71

    Ti 1son, Wi lbert 69

    Tinajero, Tim 55, 107, 112

    Tolliver, Batina 14, 24, 95

    Toll iver, Naytasha 10, 69

    Tornatore, Carlos 55

    Tucker, Antonio 45, 117

    Turnage, Laron 47, 127

    Turnbaugh, James 24, 98,

    100, 106

    Turnbaugh, Melissa 45, 106,


    Turnbo, Brian 64

    Turner, C. 69

    Turner, James 24, 84

    ~ J Ulianich, Robert 9, 120

    ~ Underwood, Beth 69

    v1ance, Paula 56 Vance, Tawana 47 Vandeman, Nathan 55, 112Ventiliglia, Sam 47, 107

    Verderber, Todd 69

    Volk, Kenneth 45, 112

    Vorachack, K. 55, 114

    Vorachack, V. 10, 15, 25,


    Vunkannon, Shane 25

    Wiwadley, Mitchell 24 Wadley, Samantha 55, 85 Wadley, Tiffany 47Wagner, Jennifer 45

    Walker, Cassandra 47, 129

    Walker, Cherice 24

    Walker, D. 9

    Walker, Dalon 69

    Walker, Derek 45

    Walker, LeToya 55

    Walker, LaTasha 88, 123

    Walker, T. 55

    Wallace, Paul 24

    Walter, Alberta 55

    Ward, Marlon 78

    Ward, Shawna 55

    Warren, Demordia 55

    Warren , Jales 56

    Warren, Jemale 127

    Warren, K. 45

    Washington, Cedric II, 24,

    120, 121

    Washington, Lance 45

    Washington, V. 45

    Washington, Wanda 69

    Watford, Fred 112

    Watford, James 9, 55

    Watkins, Rico 38, 45, 127

    Watson, Candice 69

    Watson, Fred 45, 85

    Watts, Michael 69, 105

    Webber, R. 69

    Webster, A. 55

    Weddington, Taurance 24

    Weekley, Glenn 55

    Wehrli, Carol 73

    Wells, Amy 55, 112, 123

    Wells, Nieshieka 69

    West, Christopher 47, 127

    Whalen, T. 69

    Wheeler, Tanika 69, 115

    White, Clarence 55, 113

    White, Henry 69

    White, Mario 69

    White, Ruth 15, 25, 114

    Whitfield, Laricka 96

    Whitener, Anton 45

    Whittaker, Romell 25, 106

    Wicks, Shannon 25

    Wiggins, Kunta 69

    Wilder, Louis 26. 69, 71

    Wilkins, Charles 69

    Williams, Ardella 45

    Williams, David 69

    Williams, Ed 55, 120

    Williams, G. 55

    Williams, James 120

    Willials, Janitta 69

    Williams, Kentral 69

    Williams, Keymorah 69

    Williams, Martha 73

    Willials, Mia 75

    Williams, Richard 45, 55,


    Williams, Sandria 69

    Willis, Carlos 69

    Willis, Gloresca 70

    Willis, Scharon 25

    Wills, Jason 15, 25, 108,

    109, 110

    Wills, Jessica 8, 55, 96,


    Wilson, D. 45

    Wilson , Eboni 55, 87

    Wilson, Jonathan 70

    Wilson, Mariland 70

    Wilson, Maurice 70

    Wilson, Roderick 56, 107

    Wilson, Romell 70

    Wilson, S. 55

    Winberry, Matt 14, 19

    Wisdom, Casey 6

    Wise, Jerry 71

    Wiswall, Jales 73

    Wittig, Kevin 7

THE MUSTER - [PDF Document] (2024)


Where can I find the muster list? ›

Some of the important areas where the muster list is posted are- Bridge, Engine room, accommodation alleyways etc. – areas where ship's crew spends the maximum of their time.

How to make a muster list? ›

(1) Each muster list must specify instructions for operating the general emergency alarm system. (2) Each muster list must specify the emergency signals. (3) Each muster list must specify the actions to be taken by the crew and industrial personnel when each signal is sounded.

What is the station bill muster list? ›

The station bill/muster list indicated the individual duties of all personnel on board and all crew members been given with written duties and responsibilities (Billet Card).

What is the muster list on board ship? ›

The Muster List, in the a maritime world, is a list of the functions each member of a ship crew is required to perform in case of emergency.

Where is the muster point on site? ›

Muster points need to be located a safe distance from your worksite. A good rule of thumb is to place muster points at a distance of at least one-and-a-half times the height of your tallest building, if possible.

How many teams are there on the muster list? ›

5 teams are made to tackle the emergencies. All the team incharges must precisely know their duties in the different emergencies. The relevant detailed duties must be stated in the ISM documents. The crew members however, must not get confused in respect of their duties in the different emergencies.

What is the muster process? ›

A muster drill is an event held at the start of a cruise and familiarizes all travelers with safety procedures like where life jackets are and how to don them quickly. (Passengers often need to bring their life jackets to the muster drill and put them on once there.)

What are the rules for muster stations? ›

(a) Each muster station must have sufficient space to accommodate all persons assigned to muster at that station. One or more muster stations must be close to each embarkation station. (b) Each muster station and embarkation station must be readily accessible from accommodation and work areas.

What must be provided with Muster point? ›

The muster point should be easily accessible and well-marked. It should be large enough to accommodate all employees and anyone else on the worksite. There should be clear paths leading to the muster point from all areas of the worksite. The muster point should be at a safe distance, away from potential hazards.

Where should Muster lists be posted? ›

(b) Muster list. Copies of the muster list must be posted in conspicuous places throughout the unit including on the navigating bridge, in the control room, and in accommodation spaces. The muster list must be posted at all times while the unit is in service.

How can you identify the muster station of a passenger? ›

Guests can identify their assigned muster station on their boarding pass, Sail & Sign Card or cabin key. Once they visit their assigned muster station, they will check in with one of the dedicated muster station team members, who will demonstrate the correct donning of a lifejacket.

How do I pay my bill muster? ›


You can make payment through any ZANACO Express Agent located near you. Give the agent your Account Number, Full Name, Phone Number, and the Minimum amount indicated on your offer letter. You can also make payment at a ZANACO bank branch using the Bill Muster system.

How will you make a muster list? ›

3 The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew including:
  1. 1 closing of the watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, sidescuttles, skylights, portholes and other similar openings in the ship;
  2. 2 equipping of the survival craft and other life-saving appliances;

Why is it called a muster station? ›

Here's what it means: the muster station is the place on a ship where passengers should assemble in the event of an emergency. In the army to “muster” is to assemble the members of the unit, in order to ensure that no one is absent. It is the roll call or counting up of the soldierss.

Is it master list or muster list? ›

Muster list a list of duties assigned in case of emergency on ships; closely related to muster roll which means a register of the officers and men in a military unit or ship's company. Whereas , master-list (or master list) is a collected list of everything that falls into a particular category.

Where are Muster stations located? ›

Every ship has designated muster stations, which are meeting points for passengers during an emergency, typically on the open decks by the lifeboats.

How do I find my muster station on Carnival? ›

Guests can identify their assigned muster station on their boarding pass, Sail & Sign Card or cabin key. Once they visit their assigned muster station, they will check in with one of the dedicated muster station team members, who will demonstrate the correct donning of a lifejacket.

Where is your boat muster station? ›

Muster stations are multiple emergency areas dedicated specifically to certain groups of passengers and crew members in order to ensure that everyone on board is not heading to the same emergency exit. Information on the location of your muster station can be found on the back of your cabin door.

Where are the muster stations on Carnival Freedom? ›

On the Carnival Freedom, all Muster Stations are along the outside of Deck 4, where the lifeboats are stored. It's semi-enclosed.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.