MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (2024)

* Attention: Click here for the latest MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide *

MapleStory Wild Hunter is a Resistance Archer Class who wields crossbow and rides on Jaguar (mount). Primary Stat is DEX and Secondary Stat is STR.

Wild Hunter Overview

CLASS: Resistance
CHARACTER CARD: Instant Kill Succcess Rate +0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0%
JOB SKILLS: I: Wild Hunter → II: Wild Hunter → III: Wild Hunter → IV: Wild Hunter

Wild Hunter Changelog

GMS v.137 – Unleashed (2013-06-19)
GMS v.132 – Hyper Evolution (2013-04-03)
GMS v.123 – Tempest (2012-11-28)
GMS v.118 – Champions (2012-09-21)

Wild Hunter 1st Job Skills

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (1) Crossbow Booster (Supportive)
Temporarily reduces regular and skill attack delay.
LV20: 11 MP, Buff lasts 200 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (2) Jaguar Rider (Active)
Enhances overall stats when riding a jaguar.
LV15: 20 MP, +40% Max HP, +40% Critical Rate, +8% Min. Critical Damage, +150 Avoid, +40 Movement Speed.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (3) Triple Shot (Active)
Attack 1 enemy 3 times.
LV20: 15 MP, 130% Damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (4) Jag Jump (Active)
Perform a far jump while on a jaguar.
LV10: 10 MP, Jumps a certain distance.

Wild Hunter 1st Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Triple Shot (1)
2. Jaguar Rider (MAX)
3. Triple Shot (MAX)
4. Jag Jump (MAX)
5. Crossbow Booster (MAX)

Wild Hunter 2nd Job Skills

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (5) Crossbow Mastery (Passive)
Increases the weapon mastery and accuracy of Crossbows.
LV10: 50% Mastery, +120 Accuracy.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (6) Final Attack (Passive)
[REQUIRE] LV3 Crossbow Mastery + Crossbow must be equipped.
Grants a chance to deal additional damage after an attack.
LV20: 40% chance to deal 150% additional damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (7) Physical Training (Passive)
Increases STR (Strength) and DEX (Dexterity).
LV5: +30 STR, +30 DEX.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (8) Soul Arrow: Crossbow (Supportive)
Temporarily allows you to use Crossbow without spending arrows.
LV5: 20 MP, Buff lasts 300 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (9) Silver Hawk (Supportive)
Summons a silver hawk that hovers around you, attacking and possibly stunning monsters nearby.
LV15: 68 MP, 270% Summon’s damage. Summon lasts 180 sec. 84% Stun Chance.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (10) Ricochet (Active)
Attack 8 enemies 1 time by firing penetrating arrows equipped with bombs. Has a chance to stun.
LV20: 24 MP, 360% Damage, 60% chance to stun for 6 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (11) Jaguar Rawr (Active)
Attack 8 enemies 1 time. Enemies knocked back by Jaguar’s RAWR will be stunned.
LV5: 18 MP, 280% Damage, 100% chance to stun for 4 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (12) It’s Raining Mines (Supportive)
You drop mines at fixed intervals while moving. The mines explode after a while, showering damage to nearby enemies.
LV10: 30 MP, 280% Mine’s damage, Buff lasts 100 sec.

Call of the Wild
Temporarily increase party weapon attack for a short time.
LV1: MP Cost: 11, Duration: 150 sec, Damage: -2%, Additional Avoidability Chance: 2%, Max MP: +2%, Critical Rate: +1%. Party ATT: +1%
LV10: MP Cost: 19, Duration: 240 sec, Damage: -20%, Additional Avoidability Chance: 20%, Max MP: +20%, Critical Rate: +5%. Party ATT: +10%

Wild Hunter 2nd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except It’s Raining Mines.
1. Ricochet (1) Jaguar Rawr (1) Soul Arrow (1)
2. Crossbow Mastery (MAX)
3. Ricochet (MAX)
4. Call of the Wild (MAX)
5. Physical Training (MAX)
6. Max Final Attack
7. Silver Hawk (MAX)
8. Soul Arrow (MAX)
9. Jaguar Rawr (MAX)
10. It’s Raining Mines (DUMP)

Wild Hunter 3rd Job Skills

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (13) Jaguar Boost (Passive)
Further enhances the Jaguar Rider skill. Effects applies while mounted on Jaguar.
LV15: +15 Move Speed, +40% Damage, 55% chance to Resist Knockback.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (14) Evasion Boost (Passive)
Grants you a chance to dodge enemy attacks. All attacks following a successful dodge for 1 sec will be criticals.
LV10: 30% Dodge Chance.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (15) Concentrate (Supportive)
Temporarily increases your Weapon Attack and decreases MP consumption for all skills. Stacks with other buffs.
LV20: 50 MP, +30 Weapon Attack, -25% MP Cost, Lasts 180 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (16) Feline Berserk
Your jaguar will temporarily grow a set of blazing red wings. Greatly increases Max HP, ATT, and Movement Speed. Attack Speed will increase by 1. Enemy attacks will not cancel the buff.
LV30: 150 MP, +80% Max HP, +30% Attack, +15 Movement Speed.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (17) Blind (Supportive)
Aim, then fire your shot into an enemy’s eye. Your attack has a chance to decrease the target’s Accuracy and DEF. Boss monsters will only have their Accuracy impaired.
LV10: 30 MP, Buff lasts 160 sec. 30% chance to blind enemy for 10 sec. Blind effects are -20% Accuracy, -50% Enemy Defense

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (18) Wild Trap (Supportive)
Summons a trap that attacks nearby enemies and allures them to attack it instead of you.
LV15: 35 MP, 200% Trap’s Damage, 14000 Trap HP, Summon lasts 50 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (19) Swipe (Active)
Attack 8 enemies 4 times, and a portion of the damage dealt by you replenishes your HP.
LV10: 23 MP, 300% Damage, 5% of damage dealt recover as HP.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (20) Dash ‘n Slash (Active)
Attack 6 enemies 4 times and has a chance to stun them by using Jaguar’s claw.
LV20: 40 MP, 600% Damage, 95% chance to stun for 4 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (21) Enduring Fire (Active)
Attack 1 enemy 5 times.
LV20: 29 MP, 184% Damage.

Wild Hunter 3rd Job Skill Build: Everything maxed except Enduring Fire and Wild Trap.
1. Add 1 SP into Swipe, Dash ‘n Slash, Evasion Boost, Concentration.
2. Max Jaguar Boost, Swipe, Feline Berserk, Concentrate.
3. Max Evasion Boost, Blind, Dash n’ Slash.
4. Dump remaining SP into Wild Trap. No SP added into Enduring Fire!

Wild Hunter 4th Job Skills

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (22) Crossbow Expert (Passive)
[REQUIRE] Max Crossbow Mastery.
Increases Crossbow Mastery, Weapon Attack, and Minimum Critical Damage.
LV30: 70% Mastery, +30 Weapon Attack, +15% Min Critical Damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (23) Advanced Final Attack (Passive)
[REQUIRE] Max Final Attack.
Permanently increases ATT and Accuracy. Greatly increases the damage and activation rate of your Final Attack. Mastery Book is required to master the skill to level 30.
LV30: +20 Weapon Attack, +10% Accuracy, 70% chance to deal additional 210% damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (24) Wild Instinct (Passive)
Your attacks ignore a portion of enemy Weapon DEF, and you have a chance to dodge incoming blows. Permanently increases resistance to all elemental effects.
LV10: Ignores 30% Enemy Defense, +10% Dodge, +10% Resistance.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (25) Sharp Eyes (Supportive)
Temporarily grants party members the ability to locate an enemy’s weak spot to deal fatal damage to that enemy.
LV30: 45 MP, +20% Critical Rate, +30% Max Critical Damage for 300 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (26) Maple Warrior (Supportive)
Temporarily increases you and all party member stats.
LV30: 70 MP, +15% All Stats, 900 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (27) Wild Arrow Blast (Active)
Launches arrows at a tremendous speed, like a catastrophic rainstorm. Pressing the skill key will fire arrows continuously.
LV30: 10 MP, 270% Damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (28) Sonic Roar (Active)
Attack 8 enemies 6 times with a chance to stun.
LV30: 80 MP, 200% Damage, 100% chance to stun for 10 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (29) Exploding Arrows (Active)
Attack 15 enemies 10 times with a summoned jagged wheel. Higher skill level reduces cooldown.
LV30: 350 MP, 180% Damage, 850% Explosion damage, 100% Stun. Cooldown 20 sec.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (30) Stink Bomb Shot (Active)
Launches an arrow with a gaseous bomb attached to it. Monsters hit by it are pissed off and you earn more EXP from defeating them.
LV10: 60 MP, +40% EXP.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (31) Hero’s Will (Active)
Cures yourself from Seduce Effect. Higher skill level decreases cooldown.
LV5: 30 MP, Cooldown 360 sec.

Wild Hunter 4th Job Skill Build: Everything maxed.
1. Add 1 SP into Wild Arrow Blast, Advanced Final Attack, Crossbow Expert, Wild Instinct.
2. Add 1 SP into Sonic Roar, Exploding Arrows.
3. Max Crossbow Expert, Sharp Eyes, Wild Instinct,
4. Max Wild Arrow Blast, Advanced Final Attack, Maple Warrior.
5. Max Exploding Arrows, Sonic Roar, Hero’s Will, Stink Bomb Shot.

Wild Hunter Hyper Skills

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (32) Feline Berserk – Reinforce (Level 143) +10% Damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (33) Feline Berserk – Vitality (Level 162) +20% Max HP.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (34) Feline Berserk – Rapid Attack (Level 183) Attack speed is increased by one.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (35) Sonic Roar – Reinforce (Level 149) +10% Damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (36) Sonic Roar – Spread (Level 168) Attack +2 enemies.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (37) Sonic Roar – Extra Strike (Level 189) Hits +1 time per enemy.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (38) Wild Arrow Blast – Reinforce (Level 155) +20% Damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (39) Wild Arrow Blast – Range (Level 177) +50 Range.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (40) Wild Arrow Blast – Guardbreak (Level 195) Ignores 20% Enemy Defense.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (41) Silent Rampage (Level 150)
Damage increases by 20% and Final Attack’s activation rate is boosted to 100% for 90 seconds. Cooldown: 180 seconds. Passive effect: 20% resistance to status effects and elemental damage.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (42) Drill Salvo (Level 170)
Deals 300% damage 10 times with 600% damage over time every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Hits 10 monsters. Cooldown: 15 seconds. Maximum damage: 9,999,999.

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (43) For Liberty (Level 200)
The damage of all Resistance members in your party is increased by 10%, and the damage cap is raised by 50,000 for 60 seconds. Cooldown: 120 seconds.

Wild Hunter Hyper Skill Build:
1. Feline Berserk – Reinforce (MAX)
2. Feline Berserk – Vitality (MAX)
3. Wild Arrow Blast – Reinforce (MAX)
4. Wild Arrow Blast – Guardbreak (MAX)
5. Sonic Roar – Extra Strike (MAX)
6. Silent Rampage (MAX)
7. Drill Salvo (MAX)
8. For Liberty (MAX)
9. Hyper Dexterity (MAX)
10. Hyper Health (MAX)
11. Hyper Mana (MAX)
12. Hyper Weapon Defense (MAX)
13. Hyper Magic Defense (MAX)
14. Hyper Critical Rate (MAX)


Wild Hunter Hyper Skills
Feline Berserk – Reinforce -> SAME
Feline Berserk – Extra Life -> Feline Berserk – Vitality
Feline Berserk – Rapid Attack -> SAME
Sonic Roar – Reinforce -> SAME
Sonic Roar – Additional Targets -> Sonic Roar – Spread
Sonic Roar – Bonus Attack -> Sonic Roar – Extra Strike
Wild Arrow Blast – Reinforce -> SAME
Wild Arrow Blast – Additional Range -> Wild Arrow Blast – Range
Wild Arrow Blast – Ignore Defense -> Wild Arrow Blast – Guardbreak
Silent Rampage -> SAME
Drill Container -> Drill Salvo
Will of Liberty -> For Liberty

MapleStory Wild Hunter Skills Video Preview

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MapleStory Wild Hunter Skill Build Guide V1 - AyumiLove (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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