City of Westland Police and Fire Retirement System, et al · CITY OF WESTLAND POLICE AND FIRE RETIREMENT SYSTEM, - [PDF Document] (2024)

UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - xCITY OF WESTLAND POLICE AND FIRERETIREMENT SYSTEM, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated,


-against- 12-cv-0256 (LAK)

METLIFE, INC., et al.,

Defendants.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x



Armen ZohrabianDavid A. RosenfeldDarren J. RobbinsSamuel H. RudmanShawn A. WilliamsDavid W. HallThomas C. MichaudROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP

Attorneys for Plaintiff

Elliot GreenfieldAnna A. MoodyMaeve L. O’ConnorDEBEVOISE & PLIMPTON LLP

Attorneys for Defendants MetLife, Inc., C.Robert Henrikson, William J. Wheeler, PeterM. Carlson, Steven A. Kandarian, William J.Mullaney, Sylvia Matthews Burwell, EduardoCastro-Wright, Cheryl W. Grisé, R. GlennHubbard, John M. Keane, Alfred F. Kelly, Jr.,James M. Kilts, Catherine R. Kinney, Hugh B.Price, David Satcher, Kenton J. Sicchitano,and Lulu C. Wang

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Timothy E. HoeffnerJohn J. Clarke, Jr.Constance TseDLA PIPER LLP (US)

Attorneys for Defendants Citigroup GlobalMarkets Inc., Credit Suisse Securities (USA)LLC, Goldman, Sachs & Co., HSBC Securities(USA) Inc., Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner &Smith Incorporated, and Wells FargoSecurities, LLC

LEWIS A. KAPLAN, District Judge.

The principal issue in this putative class action1 is

“whether MetLife, Inc. (‘MetLife’ or the ‘Company’) misled investors (1) withrespect to its financial performance and position because certain reserves underlyingits financial statements failed adequately to take account of incurred but not reported(‘IBNR’) death benefit claims with respect to group life insurance policies, and (2)by making allegedly deceptive statements concerning those reserves.”2

The Court twice has dismissed substantial portions of Central States’ claims.3 The matter again is


The case is brought by Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund(“Central States”) on behalf of an alleged class of “all purchasers of the common stock ofMetLife, Inc. . . . between February 2, 2010 and October 6, 2011, inclusive (the ‘ClassPeriod’),” Third Amended Complaint (“TAC”) [DI 94, Ex. A] ¶ 1, and “all persons whopurchased or acquired MetLife common stock pursuant or traceable to [MetLife’s]August 3, 2010 public offering of 75 million shares of its common stock and MetLife’sMarch 4, 2011 public offering of 68.5 million shares of its common stock, respectively,”TAC ¶ 2. Central States allegedly purchased shares of MetLife common stock on August3, 2010, March 3, 2011, and March 4, 2011. TAC ¶ 250.


City of Westland Police & Fire Ret. Sys. v. MetLife, Inc. (Westland II), 129 F. Supp. 3d 48,64 (S.D.N.Y. 2015).


See Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d 48; City of Westland Police & Fire Ret. Sys. v. MetLife,Inc. (Westland I), 928 F. Supp. 2d 705, 714-16 (S.D.N.Y. 2013).

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before the Court on defendants’ motions to dismiss the third amended complaint (“TAC”).4 In

substance, the TAC contains only one new allegation. As discussed below, that allegation is



I. Parties

“The principal defendant here is MetLife, a multinational insurance company. Also

named are (1) a number of individuals who were MetLife executives during all or part of the Class

Period (the ‘Executive Defendants’), (2) MetLife directors (the ‘Director Defendants’),5 and (3)

several securities firms that underwrote certain MetLife securities during the relevant period (the

‘Underwriter Defendants’).”6

II. Insurance Reserves and Accounting

The Court previously provided general background information on principles of

accounting, the insurance industry, and IBNR reserves.

“Generally accepted accounting principles (‘GAAP’) typically require a corporationto measure and report its financial performance and position by considering pertinenteconomic events when they happen, not by waiting for cash inflows or outflows toclear the books. To ensure compliance with these principles—that is, to assure ‘thatrecognition [is] given to income when it is earned, and . . . to expenses when they areincurred,’ ‘irrespective of when payment is made or received’—corporations


DI 96; DI 99.


The Court refers to the Executive Defendants and Director Defendants collectively as the“Individual Defendants.”


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 55.

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generally eschew cash-based accounting for accrual-based accounting, whichprovides ‘a more realistic view’ of a given company’s financial performance andposition by requiring the company to account for future expected cash inflows andoutflows, in addition to accounting for already-completed cash flows. In addition,accrual-based accounting deters unscrupulous companies from misrepresenting theirfinancial condition by, among other things, failing to reflect expenses or knownliabilities that have been incurred, but that, for one reason or another, have yet to bepaid. As the late Judge Clark wrote, ‘the fundamental aim of accrualaccounting . . . is to match revenues with the expenses incurred in producing suchrevenues.’

“MetLife, as a publicly held company, of course reports its financial performanceand condition on an accrual basis. Insofar as its policy-based liabilities areconcerned, that fact probably does not have a dramatic impact on its reporting ofsuch liabilities in those instances in which the insured loss occurs, the policyholderclaim is made, and the claim is paid in the same accounting period. In other cases,however, significant periods of time may pass between the event creating theinsurer’s liability and the eventual payment of a claim. And in some circ*mstances,no claim may be made for a long time, as for example where the loss-creating eventis unknown to the insured or the beneficiary or where the existence of insurancecoverage is not discovered for some time.

“Whatever the reasons for the lack of temporal coincidence between theliability-creating event and the payment of any eventual claim, GAAP requiresinsurers to maintain loss reserves—estimates of what they will have to pay to coverinsured losses incurred during a given period—regardless of whether claims have yetbeen made. These loss reserves, increases in which are charges against income forthe periods in which the increases occur—must account for both known and IBNRclaims. Reserves for known claims are ‘set aside to cover estimated losses based onreported claims’ and are thus relatively easy to predict. IBNR reserves, on the otherhand, are ‘extremely conjectural’ because they are ‘set aside to cover losses forwhich claims have not been reported but must be estimated.’ Accordingly, IBNRreserves ‘may need adjustment as time passes and their accuracy can be tested inretrospect.’

“As the Second Circuit has said, it is ‘difficult [to] calculat[e] and monitor . . . theaccuracy of loss reserves established by insurance companies.’ Nevertheless, GAAPdoes require insurers to make ‘a reasonable estimate of IBNR liabilities.’ And yet,GAAP does not specify ‘a precise actuarial method’ for estimating or setting thosereserves.

“As relevant to this case, then, the accuracy of a company’s loss reserves—that is,the degree to which the loss reserves correspond to, or vary from, the insuranceobligations that ultimately will be paid out in relation to the claims, known andunknown, covered by the reserve in question—implicates the accuracy of its

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financial statements. If loss reserves are too low and later must be increased(resulting in a charge against income), earnings will have been overstated in SECfilings and financial statements. If reserves are too high and later are decreased(resulting in an increase in income), the excess will have resulted in anunderstatement of income during the period or periods in which it existed.”7

Facts and Prior Proceedings

I. The SSA-DMF and MetLife’s IBNR Reserves

“[T]he controversy at hand . . . focuses importantly though not exclusively onCentral States’ contention that MetLife, during the relevant period, overstated itsearnings and its financial strength by maintaining IBNR reserves insufficient tocover life insurance benefits payable in respect of the death of MetLife insuredscovered by group life insurance policies for whom no death benefit claims had beenreceived. That claim depends in substantial part upon MetLife’s use (or allegednon-use) of the Social Security Administration Death Master File (the ‘SSA-DMF’),which is a ‘database of [all] deaths recorded in the United States.’”8

The TAC, as its predecessors, alleges that

“MetLife used the SSA-DMF as early as the mid-1990s to identify—and to haltpayments to—deceased annuity recipients, but that it did not then use the databaseto identify deceased persons whose lives were insured by MetLife (‘life insureds’). It was not until 2007, the complaint alleges, that MetLife for the first time comparedthe SSA-DMF against its roster of individual—as opposed to group—life insuredsin order to identify those individual insureds who had died but for whom deathbenefit claims had not been submitted. This cross-check allegedly uncovered$80 million in unclaimed individual life insurance benefits that were due to thedeceased life insureds’ beneficiaries or, in the absence of identifiable beneficiaries,to various states under abandoned property laws.”9

Whereas the second amended complaint (“SAC”) contained no allegation regarding the sufficiency

of MetLife’s IBNR reserves to cover the $80 million in unclaimed benefits, the TAC alleges that


Id. at 55-57 (footnotes omitted).


Id. at 57 (quoting TAC ¶ 4).


Id. at 57-58 (footnote omitted).

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MetLife in 2007 increased IBNR reserves for its individual life insurance business by $25 million

in order to account for unreported claims discovered during the 2007 SSA-DMF cross-check.10 In

other words, the TAC alleges that the Company’s IBNR reserves were insufficient to cover

approximately 31 percent of the newly discovered claims. MetLife allegedly did not at that time

“cross-check the SSA-DMF against its roster of group life insureds—a cross-check that, plaintiff

argues, would have exposed MetLife’s IBNR reserves as inadequate.”11

“Central States alleges that MetLife and its officers, directors or representatives inthe years that followed repeatedly and materially overstated the Company’s financialcondition and performance—including income, operating earnings, and earnings pershare—as a result of MetLife’s failure adequately to reserve for death benefits dueto beneficiaries of group life insurance policies whose insureds the SSA-DMFidentified as deceased but for whom MetLife had not received claims for benefits.These misstatements allegedly included, among other things, misleading (but morequalitative) assertions about MetLife’s ‘solid underwriting,’ its ‘disciplined approachto risk and expense managements,’ and its ‘excellent mortality results’ as well asassurances not only that its methods for fixing IBNR reserves complied withgenerally accepted accounting principles (‘GAAP’), but also that such reserves weresufficient to cover future claims. Many of these allegedly misleading statements,Central States says, were contained in MetLife press releases, presentations,conference calls, and public filings during the Class Period. Central States allegesalso that MetLife was too cavalier in dismissing as ‘without merit’ various stateinvestigations into its accounting practices. One of the consequences of thesealleged misstatements, Central States avers, is that MetLife stock traded at‘artificially inflated prices’ during the Class Period. When those stock prices fellafter MetLife’s alleged misstatements came to light in August and October 2011,Central States says it suffered economic harm.”12


TAC ¶ 87(m). In fact, this is the only new allegation included in the TAC.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 58; see TAC ¶ 175.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 58-59 (footnotes omitted).

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II. The State Investigations

“According to Central States, state investigations into MetLife’s accounting practicesbegan as early as 2008, when the California Insurance Commission began to lookinto MetLife’s alleged failure to pay some life insurance benefits even after learningthat an insured had died. In September 2009, Central States alleges, Florida andIllinois launched a joint ‘Market Conduct Examination’ of MetLife’s use (or, as thecase may be, non-use) of the SSA-DMF. And in July 2010, Central States says, theNew York Attorney General began ‘a major fraud probe’ into MetLife’s allegedpractice of retaining and profiting from money held in retained asset accounts thatarguably should have been disbursed to beneficiaries or escheated to states.

“On May 19, 2011, MetLife officials testified before the Florida Office of InsuranceRegulations. They acknowledged that the Company had used the SSA-DMFsystematically since the 1980s to identify, and to stop payments to, deceasedannuitants, but that it had not used the database to identify life insureds whose deathsshould have triggered either payments to beneficiaries or, in the absence ofidentifiable beneficiaries, the start of the escheatment process.

“Four days later, MetLife executives—having been subpoenaed to testify at a hearinginto the Company’s benefits payment practices—expanded upon that testimony inCalifornia, where they acknowledged, among other things, that the Company (1)cross-checked the SSA-DMF against its retained asset account in 2006 and learnedof 1,300 matches, resulting in payments to beneficiaries and escheatment to states;(2) cross-checked the SSA-DMF against its roster of individual life insureds in 2007,but had not yet done so for its group life insureds, (3) calculated the dormancy periodfor escheatment purposes from the date it learned of the death, not the actual date ofdeath, and (4) had decided as early as December 2010 to use the SSA-DMF morebroadly (i.e., to cross-check the database against its group life insureds).

“On July 5, 2011, New York officials subpoenaed MetLife for information about its‘practices in identifying and paying out policies for deceased customers.’ Thesubpoenas stemmed from a concern that life insurers, including MetLife, were usingthe SSA-DMF to stop annuity payments upon an annuitant’s death, but not to pay outdeath benefits due under life insurance policies, annuity contracts, or retained assetaccounts. This investigation did not end until after the Class Period.

“Notwithstanding the initiation dates of these investigations, Central States alleges,MetLife did not disclose their existence or possible consequences until August2011—a delay that Central States contends ‘violated GAAP and SEC disclosurerules.’ Eventually, Central States alleges, MetLife agreed in April 2012, after theClass Period ended, to pay states ‘a total of $500 million to settle claims related to

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death benefits.’”13

III. The ALICO Acquisition and MetLife’s Decision to Use the SSA-DMF More Broadly

“In March 2010—after the state investigations into MetLife’s accounting practicesbegan but before they concluded—MetLife announced its intention to purchase theAmerican Life Insurance Company (‘ALICO’), an American International Group(‘AIG’) subsidiary. The consideration was to consist of $6.8 billion in cash and$8.7 billion in equity, the latter in the form of 78.2 million shares of MetLifecommon stock, 6.9 million shares of MetLife contingent convertible preferred stock,and 40 million other ‘equity units.’ All share amounts were fixed, and the shareswere subject to a lockup agreement that provided, among other things, that AIGwould not sell any of its MetLife stock until nine months after the deal closed andthat it would not sell more than 50 percent of its shares until at least a year afterclosing.

“On August 2, 2010, MetLife announced that it would sell 75 million shares ofcommon stock at $42 per share to help fund the cash portion of the purchase price. It did so pursuant to an August 3, 2010 registration statement, which incorporatedby reference MetLife’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year that ended December 31, 2009and Forms 10-Q for the periods that ended March 31, 2010 and June 30, 2010, andcontained representations (or misrepresentations, as Central States alleges)concerning the adequacy of MetLife’s IBNR reserves. MetLife completed itsacquisition of ALICO on November 1, 2010 at a total cost of $16.2 billion.

“According to Central States, MetLife subsequently decided—amid discussions withstate regulators and while the AIG/ALICO lockup was in effect—to start using theSSA-DMF regularly in all business units, including group life. And on March 1,2011, four months after the ALICO acquisition closed and five months before thelockup was scheduled to expire, AIG and MetLife allegedly entered into anagreement that relieved AIG of the lockup restrictions.

“The next day, MetLife announced a public offering of 146.8 million shares of itscommon stock, priced at $43.25 per share. Under its terms, but contrary to the termsof the original lockup agreement, AIG completed a secondary offering of all78.2 million shares of MetLife common stock that it had received for ALICO. Inaddition, MetLife completed a follow-on offering of 68.5 million shares of itscommon stock, the proceeds from which it used to repurchase and cancel the6.85 million shares of MetLife contingent convertible preferred stock that AIG had


Id. at 59-60 (footnotes omitted).

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received as compensation for ALICO. In a concurrent offering, AIG sold also its40 million MetLife common equity units, leaving it, upon completion of the sale,with none of the MetLife securities it had received for ALICO.

“These offerings were conducted pursuant to a March 4, 2011 registration statement,which incorporated by reference MetLife’s Form 10-K for the year that endedDecember 31, 2010 and its Forms 8-K filed on August 2, 2010, November 30, 2010,March 1, 2011, and March 2, 2011, each of which, Central States says, ‘containedfalse financial statements.’ The March 4, 2011 registration statement contained also(allegedly false) representations about the adequacy of MetLife’s IBNR reserves andits ‘excellent mortality ratios.’ MetLife announced that the sales were complete onMarch 8, 2011.

“Central States alleges that AIG’s expedited sale of MetLife stock ‘was a surpriseto analysts and investors’ and that it was designed to allow AIG to sell its MetLifeshares before MetLife announced publicly that it would use the SSA-DMF toidentify additional life insurance liabilities—an announcement that Central Statessays would have ‘risked a steep decline in [MetLife’s] stock price and thus, the valueof the consideration provided to AIG.’ In effect, Central States contends, MetLifeknew that its stock price would decrease, perhaps dramatically, upon itsannouncement that it would conduct its first-ever cross-check of the SSA-DMfa*gainst its roster of group life insureds. But it gave AIG an opportunity to sell itsMetLife stock at what Central States says was an artificially inflated price before thathappened.”14

IV. MetLife’s Stock Price Declines Twice, Allegedly Harming Central States

“On August 5, 2011, Central States alleges, MetLife in its Form 10-Q for the periodending June 30, 2011 disclosed for the first time the scope and severity of variousstate ‘regulatory investigations into its death benefits practices.’ MetLifeacknowledged that ‘[m]ore than 30 U.S. jurisdictions are auditing MetLife . . . forcompliance with unclaimed property laws’ and that those investigations ‘may result’in administrative penalties, additional payments to beneficiaries and escheatmentsto states, and changes to MetLife’s procedures for identifying and escheatingabandoned property. Further, it admitted that it was ‘not currently able to estimatethe reasonably possible amount of any such additional payments or the reasonablypossible cost of any such changes in procedures, but it is possible that such costs maybe substantial’ and, Central States alleges, it no longer dismissed investigations intoits retained asset accounts as being ‘without merit.’


Id. at 60-62 (footnotes omitted).

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“These disclosures allegedly caused MetLife’s stock price to decline from $36.90 onAugust 4 to a low of $34.93 on August 5, closing at $36.35. The stock price fellfurther to a close of $32.74 on August 8, but that drop coincided with news of muchbroader impact: Standard & Poor’s (‘S & P’) downgraded the credit rating of theUnited States for the first time in history after the market closed on August 5.

“On October 6, 2011, MetLife filed a Form 8-K disclosing, among other things, thatit would take a $115-$135 million after-tax charge to ‘adjust’ (i.e., increase) itsreserves to account for additional payments owed to beneficiaries identified as aconsequence of its first-ever cross-check of the SSA-DMF against its roster of grouplife insureds. At the same time, MetLife revealed that it would take two smallercharges, one related to damage from severe storms including Hurricane Irene ($80-$100 million) and the other related to a September 1, 2011 liquidation plan forExecutive Life Insurance Company of New York ($40 million). These disclosurescollectively are alleged to have caused MetLife’s stock price to decline from aclosing price of $30.69 on October 6 to a closing price of $28.80 on October 7, or6.16 percent. By contrast, Central States alleges, the S & P 500 and S & P 500Insurance Indices declined only 0.81 and 3.13 percent, respectively, over the sameperiod. Relying on an event study referred to in the [TAC], Central States allegesthat the 6.16 percent decline in MetLife’s share price was statistically significant.

“MetLife’s financial results for the third quarter of 2011, which were released afterthe end of Class Period, revealed a 23 percent decrease in operating earnings forinsurance products, allegedly due at least in part to the $117 million after-tax chargetaken as a result of the SSA-DMF cross-check. Another alleged consequence of the$117 million reserve increase was that MetLife’s group life and individual lifemortality ratios each climbed to 98.5 percent, a markedly higher figure than those inprevious quarters.”15

V. Prior Proceedings

“This action was commenced in January 2012 . . . on behalf of a class of allpurchasers of MetLife common stock during the period February 2, 2010 to October6, 2011, inclusive. The original complaint alleged claims under Sections 10(b) and20 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘Exchange Act’) and Rule 10b-5thereunder. It was amended some months later to add claims under Sections 11, 12and 15 of the Securities Act of 1933 (the ‘Securities Act’), among other changes. Defendants moved to dismiss.


Id. at 62-63 (footnotes omitted).

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“In an opinion dated February 28, 2013 (‘[February 2013] Opinion’), the Courtgranted in part the defendants’ motions to dismiss the amended complaint. Itdismissed Central States’ Exchange Act claims for failure to plead loss causation andits Section 12(a)(2) Securities Act claims for failure to allege that the defendants hadsolicited the securities purchases. It upheld the sufficiency of most of Central States’claims under Sections 11 and 15 of the Securities Act. Both parties moved forreconsideration. The Court denied the motions, but granted Central States leave toamend and invited the defendants to incorporate their arguments for reconsiderationinto motions to dismiss the SAC. Central States filed its SAC on March 15, 2013,and the MetLife and Underwriter Defendants subsequently moved to dismiss onAugust 23, 2013.

“Not long after those motions were filed, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in[Omnicare, Inc. v. Laborers District Council Construction Industry Pension Fund],which raised questions similar to some of those presented in this case. Rather thandecide defendants’ motions to dismiss while Omnicare was pending, this Courtwaited for the Supreme Court to act. On March 24, 2015, the day Omnicare wasdecided, this Court entered an order (1) affording Central States an opportunity toamend its complaint, (2) denying defendants’ motions to dismiss without prejudiceto renewal, and (3) seeking supplemental briefing in light of Omnicare. CentralStates ultimately chose not to amend, and the MetLife and Underwriter Defendantsmoved to dismiss the SAC on May 21, 2015.”16

In an opinion dated September 11, 2015 (“September 2015 Opinion”), the Court

granted in substantial part defendants’ motions to dismiss the SAC. It dismissed all of Central

States’ Exchange Act claims—most for failure to plead an actionable misrepresentation or

omission17 and some for failure to plead scienter.18 It dismissed all of Central States’ claims under

Section 12 of the Securities Act and substantially all of Central States’ claims under Sections 11 and


Id. at 63-64 (footnotes omitted).


See id. at 72-77.


See id. at 80.

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15 of the Securities Act, the latter for failure to plead an actionable misrepresentation or omission.19

It upheld Central States’ Sections 11 and 15 claims to the extent they were “based upon the alleged

misstatements of mortality ratios.”20

As noted, Central States now has filed the TAC with its one substantial new

allegation.21 The MetLife and Underwriter Defendants move to dismiss the TAC.


I. Legal Standard

“To survive a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss, a plaintiff must plead facts ‘to state

a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.’”22 “A claim is facially plausible ‘when the plaintiff

pleads factual content that allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is

liable for the misconduct alleged.’”23 The Court “accept[s] all factual allegations in the complaint

and draw[s] all reasonable inferences in the plaintiff’s favor.”24 In addition, the Court “may consider

any written instrument attached to the complaint, statements or documents incorporated into the


See id. at 87-89.


Id. at 89-90.


DI 95.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 64 (quoting Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544,570 (2007)).


Id. (quoting Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678 (2009)).


ATSI Commc’ns, Inc. v. Shaar Fund, Ltd., 493 F.3d 87, 98 (2d Cir. 2007).

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complaint by reference, legally required public disclosure documents filed with the SEC, and

documents possessed by or known to the plaintiff and upon which it relied in bringing the suit.”25

“To plead fraud under the securities laws, a complaint must state with particularity

the circ*mstances constituting fraud and must satisfy also the Private Securities Litigation Reform

Act of 1995 (‘PSLRA’), which requires, among other things, that a complaint (1) specify the

statements that the plaintiff contends were fraudulent, (2) identify the speaker, (3) state where and

when the statements were made, and (4) explain why the statements were fraudulent.”26 These

“[e]xacting pleading requirements are among the control measures Congress included in the

PSLRA” to serve as “check[s] against abusive litigation by private parties.”27

II. Exchange Act Claims

A. Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 Claims

Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act makes it unlawful to “use or employ, in

connection with the purchase or sale of any security . . . any manipulative or deceptive device or

contrivance in contravention” of SEC rules and regulations.28 SEC Rule 10b-5, in turn, makes it

unlawful to “make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact

necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circ*mstances [in] which they




Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 64-65 (citations omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted).


Tellabs, Inc. v. Makor Issues & Rights, Ltd., 551 U.S. 308, 313 (2007).


15 U.S.C. § 78j(b).

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were made, not misleading.”29 To recover for violations of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5, a private

plaintiff “must prove (1) a material misrepresentation or omission by the defendant; (2) scienter; (3)

a connection between the misrepresentation or omission and the purchase or sale of a security; (4)

reliance upon the misrepresentation or omission; (5) economic loss; and (6) loss causation.”30

1. Material Misrepresentations or Omissions

To allege adequately a material misrepresentation or omission, a plaintiff must plead

facts that, if true, would be sufficient to show that the defendant either (1) made an untrue statement

of a material fact, or (2) omitted to state a material fact necessary to make whatever statements it

made not misleading.31 For purposes of a motion to dismiss, “a plaintiff satisfies the materiality

requirement . . . by alleging a statement or omission that a reasonable investor would have

considered significant in making investment decisions.”32 Given that materiality is a mixed question

of law and fact, a court should dismiss a complaint on materiality grounds only if the statement or

omission is “so obviously unimportant to a reasonable investor that reasonable minds could not

differ on the question of [its] importance.”33 As the Court previously held, Central States has alleged


17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5(b).


Halliburton Co. v. Erica P. John Fund, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 2398, 2407 (2014) (internalquotation marks omitted) (quoting Amgen Inc. v. Connecticut Ret. Plans & Trust Funds,133 S. Ct. 1184, 1192 (2013)).


17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5(b).


Ganino v. Citizens Utilities Co., 228 F.3d 154, 161 (2d Cir. 2000).


ECA, Local 134 IBEW Joint Pension Trust of Chicago v. JP Morgan Chase Co., 553 F.3d187, 197 (2d Cir. 2009) (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting Goldman v. Belden,

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materiality adequately at this stage in the proceedings.34

“In addition to alleging that it is material, a Section 10(b) plaintiff who challenges

a statement must allege adequately that the statement is ‘untrue.’”35 An untrue statement of fact—as

opposed to opinion or belief—“is one that was false at the time it was made”;36 “[a] statement

believed to be true when made, but later shown to be false, is insufficient.”37 To plead falsity, a

plaintiff “must do more than simply assert that a statement is false—[it] must demonstrate with

specificity why that is so.”38 For a statement of opinion or belief to be actionable as an untrue

statement of a material fact, a plaintiff must plead facts to show that the defendant “did not hold the

belief [it] professed.”39

A plaintiff whose claim for relief rests on an omission of a material fact

“need not allege falsity to state a legally sufficient claim. Instead, such a plaintiffmust plead facts that, if true, would be sufficient to show that the defendant had a

754 F.2d 1059, 1067 (2d Cir. 1985)).


Westland I, 928 F. Supp. 2d at 719 (“Here, the alleged corrective disclosures included theannouncement of a nationwide investigation into one of MetLife’s important businesses andan increase in reserves that caused operating earnings for insurance products to be down23 percent for the quarter. Plaintiff alleges that MetLife’s shares dropped in value after thedisclosures. This is sufficient.”).


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 67.


Id. (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting In re Lululemon Sec. Litig., 14 F. Supp. 3d553, 571 (S.D.N.Y. 2014), aff’d, 604 F. App’x 62 (2d Cir. 2015)).


Lululemon, 14 F. Supp. 3d at 571.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 67 (quoting Lululemon, 14 F. Supp. 3d at 571).


Omnicare, Inc. v. Laborers Dist. Council Const. Indus. Pension Fund, 135 S. Ct. 1318,1327 (2015).

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duty to disclose the omitted information and failed to do so. Such a duty may ariseexpressly, pursuant to a statute or regulation, or implicitly ‘as a result of the ongoingduty to avoid rendering existing statements misleading by failing to disclose materialfacts.’”40

To allege adequately that a defendant omitted to state facts necessary to make a statement of opinion

or belief not misleading, a plaintiff must plead facts to “call into question the [speaker’s] basis for

offering the opinion.”41 Specifically, a plaintiff “must identify particular (and material) facts going

to the basis for the [speaker’s] opinion—facts about the inquiry the [speaker] did or did not conduct

or the knowledge it did or did not have—whose omission makes the opinion statement at issue

misleading to a reasonable person reading the statement fairly and in context.”42 As the Supreme

Court has made clear, “[t]hat is no small task for an investor.”43

In substance, the TAC

“alleges that the financial statements issued by MetLife during the Class Period weremisleading—and thus did not reflect accurately the financial condition andperformance of the Company—for three reasons, each of which stems fromMetLife’s alleged failure to cross-check the SSA-DMF against its roster of group lifeinsureds.”44

But before enumerating those reasons, it is helpful to make one point abundantly clear. As the Court

wrote previously and as remains true of the TAC:


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 67 (citations omitted) (quoting Lululemon, 14 F. Supp. 3dat 572).


Omnicare, 135 S. Ct. at 1332.






Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 67-68.

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“Central States nowhere claims that MetLife made any statement—true or false—asto what its IBNR reserves actually were. In other words, there is no suggestion thatthe Company said its IBNR reserves were $X and that such statement was falsebecause those reserves actually were $Y. Nor is there any suggestion that such astatement was materially misleading because MetLife did not believe its IBNRreserves actually were $X, that MetLife had no reasonable basis for saying its IBNRreserves actually were $X, or anything of the sort.”45

The only explicit representations Central States alleges MetLife made about its IBNR reserves relate

to the method by which MetLife determines IBNR estimates.46 Central States’ claims are more

subtle than those examples.

First, Central States contends that MetLife’s financial statements “were false or

misleading because the amount of its allegedly inadequate reserves . . . necessarily was reflected in

those statements.”47

Second, Central States asserts that “MetLife made qualitative statements about its

mortality results, its underwriting practices, and its approach to risk and expense management that

were false [or] misleading in light of the alleged inadequacy of the Company’s IBNR reserves.”48




See TAC ¶ 69.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 68.


In its September 2015 Opinion, the Court

“conclude[d] that MetLife’s characterizing its underwriting as ‘solid,’ its ‘approachto risk and expense managements’ as ‘disciplined,’ and its ‘mortality results’ as‘excellent,’ as well as other such representations are not actionable under thesecurities laws. Rather, they are ‘merely generalizations regarding [MetLife’s]business practices’ . . . of the type that the Second Circuit ‘consistently [has] heldto be inactionable’ puffery, in part because they are ‘too general to cause areasonable investor to rely upon them.’” Id. at 77.

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The Court treats these first two categories of claims together because

“all of these claims are derivative of the same question: were MetLife’s implicitrepresentations regarding the adequacy of its IBNR reserves either (1) untruestatements of a material fact, or (2) omissions of a material fact that rendered theCompany’s financial statements throughout the Class Period misleading?”49

Lastly, “Central States contends that MetLife falsely stated that investigations into

its retained asset accounts were ‘without merit’ and failed timely to disclose the seriousness of state

investigations into its death benefits payment practices—a failure that Central States says violated,

among other things, SEC Regulation S-K, Item 303.”50

a. The Adequacy of MetLife’s IBNR Reserves

In its earlier opinions, the Court concluded that MetLife’s implicit representations

regarding the adequacy of its IBNR reserves were statements of opinion or belief, not of fact.51 That

conclusion has not changed. Accordingly, the Court turns now to the question of whether those

implicit representations were material misrepresentations or omissions for purposes of the securities

laws. In other words: has Central States alleged adequately that (1) MetLife did not actually believe

that its IBNR reserves were adequate but nevertheless implied that they were, or (2) MetLife’s

implicit representations regarding the adequacy of its IBNR reserves did not rest on a meaningful

The Court finds no reason to revisit its earlier conclusion as to these representations.


Id. at 68.




Id. (“In its February 2013 Opinion, the Court noted that MetLife’s IBNR reserves capturelosses for which claims have not been reported but must be estimated so the company canpay future claims. While these estimates involve some factual inputs, they necessarilyrequire judgment and thus are statements of opinion or belief, not of fact.”).

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inquiry, rendering them misleading to a reasonable investor reading MetLife’s financial statements

in context? In view of Central States’ new allegation that the 2007 SSA-DMF cross-check revealed

a $25 million reserve shortfall, the Court concludes that the answer to both of these questions, for

purposes of these motions to dismiss alone, is “yes.”

The TAC alleges that running the SSA-DMF against a portion of MetLife’s life

insurance policies in 2007 uncovered a reserve shortfall of $25 million. That is a significant

difference from the SAC, which was silent as to the effect the 2007 cross-check had on MetLife’s

IBNR reserves.52 It is plausible, therefore, to infer that MetLife knew that its method for setting

IBNR reserves over the previous several decades had not accounted adequately for all deceased

policy holders and, in consequence, that MetLife knew that its estimated IBNR reserves were

insufficient to meet its life insurance policy obligations. That is sufficient to plead that MetLife did

not actually believe the implicit representations it made to investors. Those allegations are sufficient

also to plead that MetLife omitted to state material facts rendering its implicit statements about the

adequacy of its IBNR reserves misleading. The $25 million shortfall alleged “call[s] into question”

MetLife’s basis for offering its IBNR opinions because it suggests that MetLife’s statements did not

“fairly align[] with the information in . . . [its] possession at the time”53—namely that its method for

identifying IBNR claims and setting its reserves was inaccurate.

b. State Investigations: Alleged Non-Disclosure and Item 303

The TAC’s allegations regarding state investigations into MetLife’s accounting


See id. at 73-77.


Omnicare, 135 S. Ct. at 1329.

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practices essentially are unchanged from those in the SAC. First, Central States contends that

“MetLife repeatedly and falsely claimed in SEC filings throughout the Class Period that an

investigation into its retained asset accounts by the New York Attorney General was ‘without

merit.’”54 Second, Central States “alleges that MetLife failed timely to disclose in SEC filings

throughout the Class Period the seriousness of other states’ investigations into its death benefits

payment practices and/or its non-use of the SSA-DMF.”55

i. Retained Asset Accounts

In its September 2015 Opinion, the Court concluded that the allegedly untrue or

misleading statement with which Central States takes issue “is a statement of opinion or belief about

legal compliance.”56 The Court concluded further that Central States

“alleged no facts whatsoever regarding the basis for MetLife’s opinion—no factsabout the inquiry MetLife did or did not conduct into the allegations concerning itsretained asset accounts, no facts concerning MetLife’s understanding of the legalityof its relevant practices, and no facts regarding how MetLife formulated its legalopinion.”57

Accordingly, the Court held that Central States had not “alleged adequately either that MetLife did

not believe that various allegations regarding its retained asset accounts were ‘without merit,’ or that

it omitted to state a fact (or facts) necessary to prevent its view regarding those allegations from


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 80.


Id. at 80-81.


Id. at 81.


Id. at 82.

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misleading reasonable investors reading the Company’s financial statements fairly and in context.”58

The TAC did not buttress these allegations in any way. In consequence, Central

States’ retained asset account-related claims are dismissed for the reasons stated previously.59

ii. Death Benefit Practices and Non-Use of the SSA-DMF

The TAC “alleges also that ‘MetLife failed to disclose loss contingencies and legal

proceedings related to a multi-state investigation concerning the Company’s use of the SSA-DMF,

in violation of,’ among other things, SEC Regulation S-K, Item 303.”60 The relevant question before

the Court “is whether the [TAC] adequately alleges that MetLife reasonably expected during the

Class Period that it would incur either fines or future liabilities (or both) that would impact its future

financial results.”61

The Court accepts as true, as it must for purposes of this motion, the TAC’s

allegation that

“MetLife—in consultation with, or perhaps at the implicit or explicit command of,state regulators—began in summer 2010 ‘to devise a plan toward making a decisionto utilize the SSA-DMF more regularly across its business units[.]’ [Accordingly,]




Id. at 81-82.


Id. at 82; TAC ¶ 163(a).

In its September 2015 Opinion, the Court declined to revisit its earlier ruling dispensingwith Central States’ FASB ASC 450 and SEC Regulation S-K, Item 103 claims because“[t]he SAC contain[ed] no new allegations as to those claims.” Westland II, 129 F. Supp.3d at 82 n.219. Given that the TAC contains no new allegations either, the Court againdeclines to revisit them.


Id. at 83.

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there is no doubt that MetLife reasonably should have expected before August 2011to use the SSA-DMF more broadly.”62

In view of Central States’ allegation that the 2007 SSA-DMF cross-check revealed a $25 million

reserve shortfall, “the MetLife Defendants reasonably should have expected that the state

investigations would cause MetLife to alter its IBNR reserves. . . . Assuming these facts to be true,

[Central States] has alleged adequately that MetLife had a duty under Item 303 to disclose the state

investigations before August 2011.”63

In sum, the Court holds that Central States has alleged adequately that MetLife’s

implicit representations about the adequacy of its IBNR reserves are material misrepresentations or

omissions under Rule 10b-5. The Court further holds that Central States has alleged adequately that

MetLife omitted to state material facts about state investigations into its accounting practices that

it had a duty to disclose under SEC Regulation S-K, Item 303. “But that is not the end of the inquiry

under Rule 10b-5.”64

2. Scienter

To state a claim under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5, a private plaintiff must allege

“with particularity facts giving rise to a strong inference that the defendant acted with


Id.; TAC ¶ 106.


Westland I, 928 F. Supp. 2d at 718.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 80.

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[scienter]”65—that is, with the “intent to deceive, manipulate, or defraud.”66 Indeed, it is not

sufficient to allege that “a reasonable person could infer that the defendant acted with” scienter;67

“rather, such evidence must be ‘cogent and compelling.’”68 A plaintiff “may satisfy this requirement

by alleging facts (1) showing that the defendants had both motive and opportunity to commit the

fraud or (2) constituting strong circ*mstantial evidence of conscious misbehavior or recklessness.”69

Specifically, the Second Circuit has held that a strong inference of scienter


15 U.S.C. § 78u-4(b)(2).


Tellabs, 551 U.S. 308, 319 (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting Ernst & Ernst v.Hochfelder, 425 U.S. 185, 193 & n.12 (1976)).

When the defendant is a corporation, a plaintiff ultimately must prove that an agent of thecorporation “committed a culpable act with the requisite scienter, and that the act (andaccompanying mental state) are attributable to the corporation.” Teamsters Local 445Freight Div. Pension Fund v. Dynex Capital Inc., 531 F.3d 190, 195 (2d Cir. 2008).


S. Cherry St., LLC v. Hennessee Grp. LLC, 573 F.3d 98, 110 (2d Cir. 2009) (quotingTellabs, 551 U.S. at 314).

The allegations a plaintiff must make to allege sufficiently that a defendant acted withscienter are markedly different than those required sufficiently to allege an actionablemisstatement or omission. To allege an actionable misstatement or omission, a plaintiffneed allege only facts from which a reasonable person plausibly could infer that thedefendant made an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state a material factnecessary to make the statements made not misleading. Furthermore, a court draws allreasonable inferences in favor of the plaintiff. In contrast, to allege scienter adequately,“[i]t does not suffice that a reasonable factfinder plausibly could infer from the complaint’sallegations the requisite state of mind.” Tellabs, 551 U.S. at 314 (emphasis added). Aninference of scienter must be cogent and compelling, and a court must consider allcompeting inferences rationally drawn from the complaint. In other words, a court does notgive the plaintiff the same benefit of the doubt when it comes to alleging scienter as it doeswith stating an actionable misstatement or omission.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 80 (quoting Tellabs, 551 U.S. at 324).


ATSI Commc’ns, 493 F.3d at 99.

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“may arise where the complaint sufficiently alleges that the defendants: (1)benefitted in a concrete and personal way from the purported fraud; (2) engaged indeliberately illegal behavior; (3) knew facts or had access to information suggestingthat their public statements were not accurate; or (4) failed to check information theyhad a duty to monitor.”70

For a defendant’s conduct to qualify as reckless, it is not enough to allege a mere “heightened form

of negligence;” the defendant’s conduct must have been “highly unreasonable”—that is to say, “an

extreme departure from the standards of ordinary care to the extent that the danger was either known

to the defendant or so obvious that the defendant must have been aware of it.”71 In the last analysis,

“a court governed by [the PSLRA] must engage in a comparative evaluation; it must consider, not

only inferences urged by the plaintiff . . . but also competing inferences rationally drawn from the

facts alleged.”72

Central States argues that the TAC satisfies the pleading requirements of the PSRLA,

as explained in Novak, in two ways. First, Central States claims that it has pleaded sufficiently that

the MetLife Defendants “indisputably had access to, yet consciously ignored, information” revealing

the inadequacy of the Company’s IBNR reserves, which rendered certain of its public statements

false and misleading.73 Second, Central States claims that the MetLife Defendants were “motivated


Novak v. Kasaks, 216 F.3d 300, 311 (2d Cir. 2000) (citations omitted).


S. Cherry St., 573 F.3d at 109 (emphasis omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted)(quoting In re Carter-Wallace, Inc. Sec. Litig., 220 F.3d 36, 39 (2d Cir. 2000)).


Tellabs, 551 U.S. at 314.


DI 102, at 17.

Central States’ first argument encompasses its claims based on failure to disclose the stateinvestigations prior to August 2011 because the viability of those claims hinges on MetLifehaving made material misrepresentations and omissions regarding the implied adequacy ofits IBNR reserves.

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to maintain artificial inflation in MetLife’s stock price to raise the cash portion of the American Life

Insurance Company (‘ALICO’) acquisition and complete its obligations to American International

Group, Inc. (‘AIG’).”74 Neither argument is availing.

a. Knowledge of or Access to Information

When a plaintiff contends that a defendant “had access to contrary facts, [the

plaintiff] must specifically identify the reports or statements containing this information.”75 As the

Second Circuit has made clear, mere access to “raw data” without more is insufficient to raise a

strong inference of scienter.76

Here, Central States alleges that because the 2007 SSA-DMF cross-check against

individual life insurance policies revealed that small inaccuracies in IBNR estimates had

accumulated over time to a material amount in that portion of MetLife’s business, MetLife knew

that similar results would obtain if it performed a cross-check against its group life insurance

policies. Critically, Central States does not allege that MetLife actually performed such a

cross-check prior to 2011. Rather, its allegations depend entirely on the assumption that MetLife

knew that whatever the 2007 cross-check revealed about its individual life insurance business would


DI 102, at 21.


Novak, 216 F. 3d at 309.


Teamsters Local 445 Freight Div. Pension Fund v. Dynex Capital Inc., 531 F.3d 190, 196(2d Cir. 2008) (“Teamsters’ broad reference to raw data lacks even an allegation that thesedata had been collected into reports that demonstrated that loan origination practices wereundermining the collateral’s performance. Accordingly, they have not raised an inferenceof scienter based on knowledge of or access to information demonstrating the inaccuracyof Dynex’s public statements.”).

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apply equally to its group life insurance business. Yet Central States offers no support for that

assumption, let alone facts constituting strong circ*mstantial evidence of the MetLife Defendants’

“egregious refusal to see the obvious.”77 Nowhere does the TAC allege any

“facts concerning the size of MetLife’s IBNR reserves; . . . the relative sizes ofMetLife’s group and individual life insurance pools and how the $80 million inunpaid individual life insurance benefits revealed as a result of the 2007 SSA-DMFcross-check might have affected what estimated reserves should have been precedingthe 2011 SSA-DMF cross-check; MetLife’s methodology for calculating its reserves;whether MetLife’s methodology accounted for unreported deaths; or the impact ofvarious states’ policies for collecting unclaimed benefits.”78

In these circ*mstances, the TAC fails to raise “an inference of scienter based on knowledge of or

access to information demonstrating the inaccuracy of [MetLife’s] public statements.”79

b. Motive and Opportunity

As senior officers and directors at MetLife, the Individual Defendants had the

“opportunity” to commit fraud.80 Accordingly, the relevant question is whether Central States has

pleaded adequately that they had a motive to do so.

To raise a strong inference of scienter based on motive and opportunity, Central

States must allege that the Individual Defendants “benefitted in some concrete and personal way


Chill v. Gen. Elec. Co., 101 F.3d 263, 269 (2d Cir. 1996) (internal quotation marks omitted)(quoting Goldman v. McMahan, Brafman, Morgan & Co., 706 F. Supp. 256, 259(S.D.N.Y.1989)).


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 75.


Teamsters, 531 F.3d at 196.


See Chill, 101 F.3d at 267.

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from the purported fraud.”81 It is not sufficient to allege “motives possessed by virtually all

corporate insiders,”82 including the “motive to maintain the appearance of corporate profitability”

or to increase executive compensation.83

Central States argues that it has alleged adequately that the Individual Defendants

were motivated to inflate MetLife’s stock price in order to (1) raise the cash portion of the ALICO

acquisition, and (2) raise cash to satisfy MetLife’s “$3 billion obligation” in connection with its

stock repurchase.84 The problem with Central States’ first argument is that it nowhere appears in

the TAC and therefore cannot form the basis for a finding of scienter.85

As to Central States’ second argument, it represents a fundamental misunderstanding

of the ALICO transaction. Under the terms of the Coordination Agreement, MetLife agreed to sell

68,570,000 shares of its common stock in order to repurchase from AIG 6,857,000 shares of

MetLife contingent convertible preferred stock. The Coordination Agreement makes clear that the

purchase price of the 6,857,000 shares of MetLife preferred stock by definition was equal to the net

proceeds of MetLife’s sale of the 68,570,000 shares of its common stock.86 In consequence, there


Novak, 216 F.3d at 307-08.


Id. at 307.


Chill, 101 F.3d at 268.


DI 102, at 21-23.


Wright v. Ernst & Young LLP, 152 F.3d 169, 178 (2d Cir. 1998) (explaining that a partymay not amend pleadings through a brief).


DI 107-1 §§ 1.1, 2.3.

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is no plausible—must less strong—inference to be drawn that the Individual Defendants were

motivated by a need to raise cash for the stock repurchase. Moreover, the fact that the alleged

misstatements and omissions began over three years before the acquisition87

“renders any connection between the events dubious at best. At most, [CentralStates] allege[s] a generalized desire to achieve a lucrative acquisition proposal. Such generalized desires fail to establish the requisite scienter because the desire toachieve the most lucrative acquisition proposal can be attributed to virtually everycompany seeking to be acquired or to acquire another.”88

In sum, Central States fails to allege the existence of information—as opposed to raw

data—that would demonstrate that the implicit representations made to investors were untrue or

misleading. It has failed also to allege that anyone at MetLife had a motive to mislead investors

about the adequacy of its IBNR reserves. Moreover, competing and plausible inferences arise in

addition to those urged by Central States. For example, one might infer that no one at MetLife

thought the representations untrue or misleading because “MetLife determined IBNR reserves

differently for its group life insureds than it did for its individual life insureds.”89 Or one could infer

that a reserve increase of $25 million did not raise any red flags because such an adjustment was

insubstantial compared to the size of MetLife’s IBNR reserves as a whole. Central States would

have the Court infer that the MetLife Defendants were at least reckless. Based on the allegations

in the TAC, however, the Court cannot say that this inference is “at least as compelling as any


Although the Class Period runs from February 2, 2010 until October 6, 2011, the TACalleges in substance that MetLife’s financial statements had been misstated since 2007 whenit allegedly performed the SSA-DMF cross-check on individual policies and uncovered$80 million in unpaid liabilities.


ECA, 553 F.3d at 201 (citations omitted) (internal quotation marks omitted) (quotingKalnit v. Eichler, 264 F.3d 131, 141 (2d Cir. 2001)).


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 76.

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opposing inference of nonfraudulent intent.”90 Accordingly, Central States has failed to allege facts

presenting “cogent and compelling” evidence that the MetLife Defendants implicitly made material

misrepresentations or omissions about the adequacy of its IBNR reserves, or omitted to state

material facts about the state investigations with scienter. In consequence, Central States’ Section

10(b) claims cannot survive these motions to dismiss.

B. Section 20(a) Claims

“Section 20(a) imposes joint and several liability on control persons for underlying

violations of the Exchange Act. To state a claim under Section 20(a), a plaintiff must allege both

a primary violation of the Exchange Act and control over the primary violator.”91 Having failed to

allege a primary violation of the Exchange Act, Central States’ Section 20(a) claims are dismissed.

III. Securities Act Claims

“Central States alleges also violations of Sections 11, 12(a), and 15 of the Securities

Act based on losses allegedly traceable to two public offerings of MetLife common stock—one on

August 3, 2010 and one on March 4, 2011.”92 The Court granted in part and denied in part


Tellabs, 551 U.S. at 314.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 87 (citations omitted).



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defendants’ motions to dismiss these claims in its February 201393 and September 2015 Opinions.94

Other than the addition of the new reserve increase allegation, the Securities Act claims in the TAC

have not changed from those in the amended complaint or SAC. Accordingly, “there is no need

revisit the Court’s earlier dismissal of Central States’ Section 12(a)(2) claims. Nor is there need to

re-evaluate the Court’s partial dismissal of Central States’ Sections 11 and 15 claims.”95 With

respect to the remaining claims, the Court concludes that Central States has alleged adequately

violations of Sections 11 and 15.

A. Section 11 Claims

Section 11 gives “purchasers [of securities] a right of action . . . for material

misstatements or omissions in registration statements.”96 “To state a claim under Section 11, a

plaintiff must allege, among other things, that a registration statement ‘contained an untrue statement

of a material fact or omitted to state a material fact . . . necessary to make the statements therein not

misleading.’”97 Although Section 11 “prohibit[s] some of the same conduct” as Section 10(b) of the

Exchange Act, “there are important (and, for present purposes, relevant) distinctions between” the


Westland I, 928 F. Supp. 2d at 716-22.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 87-89.


Id. at 88 & n.254.


Omnicare, 135 S. Ct. at 1323.


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 88 (quoting 15 U.S.C. § 77k).

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two.98 In particular, “Section 11 plaintiffs, unlike Section 10(b) plaintiffs, need not allege scienter,

reliance, or loss causation in order to state a cognizable claim.”99

As noted above, the TAC alleges adequately that (1) MetLife omitted to state material

facts about its inquiry into or knowledge concerning its implicit representations with respect to the

adequacy of the Company’s IBNR reserves thereby rendering those representations misleading, and

(2) MetLife omitted to state material facts about the pending state investigations prior to August

2011, which it had a duty to disclose under SEC Regulation S-K, Item 303, thereby rendering certain

of its public statements misleading. That is sufficient to state claims under Section 11 in those


The MetLife and Underwriter Defendants argue that these claims nevertheless should

be dismissed for absence of loss causation. For the reasons stated in the Court’s February 2013

Opinion, Central States’ Section 11 claims cannot be dismissed on this basis:

“Plaintiff is not required to allege loss causation in order to withstand a motion todismiss claims under Sections 11 and 12(a)(2). Loss causation is an affirmativedefense, the burden of proof for which rests with the defendant. It is proper,however, to dismiss a complaint where ‘it is apparent from the face of the complaintthat the plaintiff cannot recover her alleged losses.’ . . . [I]t is not apparent from theface of the complaint that plaintiff will be unable to recover based on either the




Id. (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting In re Morgan Stanley Info. Fund Sec. Litig.,592 F.3d 347, 359 (2d Cir. 2010)).


Central States disclaims any allegation of knowing, reckless or otherwise intentionalmisconduct for purposes of its Securities Act claims. TAC ¶ 211 (“The Securities Actclaims . . . are based on strict liability and negligence and are not based on any allegationthat any defendant engaged in fraud or intentional misconduct.”). Accordingly, CentralStates cannot state a claim under Section 11 on the basis that MetLife’s implicit IBNRrepresentations were not honestly held. Omnicare, 135 S. Ct. at 1327. It can proceed onlyon an omissions theory.

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August 5 or October 6, 2011 disclosures. While defendants may prove that the dropsin stock value were due to other market forces, that possibility is insufficient todefeat claims under Sections 11 and 12(a)(2) on a motion to dismiss.”101

B. Section 15 Claims

“Section 15 is the Securities Act equivalent of Section 20(a) of the Exchange Act:

it imposes joint and several liability on control persons for underlying violations of the Securities

Act. ‘Thus, the success of a claim under [S]ection 15 relies, in part, on a plaintiff’s ability to

demonstrate primary liability under [S]ections 11 and 12.’”102 Pursuant to the foregoing analysis,

the Section 15 claims in the TAC survive these motions to dismiss to the extent they depend upon

Central States’ viable Section 11 claims described above.


The defendants’ motions to dismiss the TAC [DI 96, DI 99] are granted to the extent

that (1) all claims under the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5, (2) all claims under Section 12 of the

Securities Act, and (3) all claims under Sections 11 and 15 of the Securities Act except those based

upon (a) MetLife’s alleged omission of material facts about its inquiry into or knowledge concerning

its implicit representations about the adequacy of the Company’s IBNR reserves, and (b) MetLife’s


Westland I, 928 F. Supp. 2d at 719 (footnote omitted) (quoting In re Merrill LynchInvestment Mgmt. Funds Sec. Litig., 434 F. Supp. 2d 233, 238 (S.D.N.Y. 2006)).


Westland II, 129 F. Supp. 3d at 89 (footnote omitted) (quoting Morgan Stanley, 592 F.3dat 358).

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alleged omission of material facts about the pending state investigations are dismissed. The motions

to dismiss are denied in all remaining respects.


Dated: November 10, 2016

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